         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"Red Rose Haired Princess(2)"(Putri Rose Berambut Merah)

story for kidsThe wicked wizard was very upset, because Rose princess could again had red hair shining. 
Penyihir jahat sangat kesal,karena putri Rose bisa kembali memiliki rambut merah yang bersinar.
The magician was again bewitching princess's hair into a jet black.
Penyihir itu pun kembali menyihir rambut putri menjadi hitam legam.
 In order for no antidote for his magic, the wicked magician removed all the roses in the land.
 Agar tak ada penawar untuk sihirnya,penyihir jahat itu menghilangkan seluruh bunga mawar di negeri itu.
 "I can not have beautiful hair again. My days will be sad," said the princess.
 "Aku tak bisa memiliki rambut indah lagi.Hari-hariku akan menyedihkan,"ucap putri.
 Princess Rose stood on the palace balcony, but she stood there not to sing. But to cry. 
 Putri Rose berdiri di balkon istana,namun ia berdiri di sana bukan untuk bernyanyi.melainkan untuk menangis.
The golden monsoon was also saddened to see the state of Rose princess.
Burung emas juga bersedih melihat keadaan putri Rose.
 Shortly thereafter, a prince came. 
 Tak lama kemudian,datang seorang pangeran
 Olala, the prince was carrying a red hair of Rose princess.
 Tak lama kemudian,datang seorang pangeran
 As Rose's tears fell, the prince placed a hair on Rose's tears. 
Saat air mata putri Rose terjatuh ,pangeran menaruh sehelai rambut itu pada air mata putri Rose.

Suddenly, the hair turned into a rose.
Tiba-tiba,sehelai rambut itu berubah menjadi setangkai mawar.
 "Take this rose to remove the magic you have," the prince said.
 "Ambilah mawar ini untuk menghilangkan sihir yang ada padamu,"ucap pangeran.
 Princess Rose immediately took a basin of water and put the roses in it. 
Putri Rose segera mengambil baskom berisi air dan menaruh bunga mawar itu di dalamnya
Aha!, Princess Rose again has red hair that glow.
Aha! Putri Rose kembali memiliki rambut merah bercahaya itu.
"Where did you get a Rose's hair?" Asked the King.
"Dari mana kamu mendapatkan sehelai rambut putri Rose?"tanya Raja.

 The prince explained that he was a friend of Rose princess as a child. 
 Pangeran itu menjelaskan bahwa dirinya adalah teman putri Rose sewaktu kecil.
As a child, Rose princess once gave her a hair to him.
 Saat kecil dahulu,putri Rose pernah memberi sehelai rambut kepadanya.
 Now the prince was about to marry Rose princess to his wife, but it turned out he came to the palace when Rose princess was in trouble.
Kini pangeran itu hendak mempersunting putri Rose menjadi istrinya,namun ternyata ia datang saat ke istana saat putri Rose sedang kesulitan.
Finally, Rose princess married the prince, They lived so happy. 
 Akhirnya,putri Rose menikah dengan pangeran itu,Mereka hidup sangat bahagia.
Apparently, the real love of Rose princess and the prince made the witch's curse go back to the magician herself, as a result the witch disappeared instantly.
Rupanya,cinta sejati putri Rose dan pangeran membuat kutukan si penyihir kembali kepada si penyihir sendiri,Alhasil penyihir itu musnah seketika.
 Now, all the inhabitants of the palace became very happy.
  Kini,semua penghuni istana menjadi sangat gembira.
 They could again enjoy the sound of the beautiful daughter of Rose, without any nasty wizards who interfere
Mereka bisa kembali menikmati suara putri Rose yang merdu,tanpa ada penyihir jahat yang mengganggu.

Pesan moral:Jika berbuat usil,pasti akan terkena batuna sendiri.Jadi jangan suka usil,ya. 

Terimakasih telah membaca English short story for kids dan artinya di blog saya.


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