         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Di dalam danau di tepi hutan,hidup berbagai macam hewan air,Salah satunya adalah katak.Ia hanya tinggal berdua bersama ibunya.Katak itu sangat nakal.
In the lake at the edge of the forest, live various kinds of aquatic animals, one of which is a frog. He only lives alone with his mother. The frog is very naughty.
Ia tak pernah mendengarkan perintah ibunya.Tentu saja kelakuan katak membuat ibbunya pusing.
"Katak anakku,carilah makanan di tepi sungai.Disana ada banyak nyamuk yang lezat,"perintah ibu katak pada suatu pagi.
He never listens to his mother's commands. Of course the behavior of frogs makes his mother dizzy.
"Toad my son, look for food by the river. There are many delicious mosquitoes," ordered the frog mother one morning
Tapi,bukannya mematuhi perintah ibunya untuk mencari makan di tepi sungai,Katak justru mencari makan di di atas bukit.Begitu seterusnya.Bila ibu menyuruhnya mencari makan di bukit,katak justru mencari makan di sungai.
But, instead of obeying his mother's command to look for food on the river bank, the Frog would instead look for food on the hill.
Kebiasaan katak sungguh membuat ibu katak kesal.
Malam harinya sebelum tidur,ibu katak masuk ke kamar katak.Rupanya,katak belum tidur Ia masih asyik bermain-main di atas kasurnya.
Frog habits really make frog mothers upset.
At night before going to sleep, the frog's mother enters the frog's room. Apparently, the frog is not asleep yet.
"Katak anakku,besok bantu ibu bekerja,ya.Bangunlah lebih pagi,"pinta ibu katak sambil mengelus kening katak.
"My son's frog, tomorrow help mom to work, yes. Get up early," pleaded the frog mother while stroking the frog's forehead.
Tapi,seprti biasanya,jika ia disuruh bangun pagi,maka ia akan bangun siang.Alhasil,ibu katak harus bekerja sendiri.
But, as usual, if he was told to get up early, then he would wake up in the afternoon. As a result, the frog mother had to work alone.
Kebiasaan itu berlangsung setiap hari.Karena terus bekerja sendiri,ibu katak kelelahan dan jatuh sakit.Apalagi,ia juga pusing memikirkan sifat anaknya yang nakal.Ibu katak sudah tak tahu lagi,bagaimana membuat anaknya menjadi anak yang baik dan patuh kepada orang tua.
The habit takes place every day. Because they continue to work alone, the frog mother is exhausted and falls ill. Moreover, she is also dizzy thinking about the nature of her naughty child.
Semakin hari,sakit ibu katak semakin parah.Ia tak bisa turun dari tempat tidur.Berkali-kali ibu katak menyuruh katak bekerja,tapi katak justru terus bermain.Ibu katak menjadi semakin bingung.
Day by day, frog mother's illness getting worse. She could not get out of bed. Many times the frog's mother told the frog to work, but the frog just kept playing. The frog's mother became increasingly confused.
Ibu katak merasa tubuhnya semakin lemah.Munglin hidupnya tinggal sebentar lagi.Ibu katak mempunyai keinginan terakhir,yaitu jika ia meninggal,ia ingin dimakamkan di bukit.
The frog's mother feels her body is getting weaker. Her life is short. Her frog's mother has the last wish, that if she dies, she wants to be buried in the hills.
Tapi,anaknya nakal dan pasti akan melakukan sebaliknya.Jika ia menyuruh katak menguburkan di bukit,pasti anaknya itu akan menguburkannya di tepi sungai.Malam telah tiba.Ibu katak memanggil anaknya ke kamar.
But, his son is naughty and will definitely do the opposite. If he told the frog to bury in the hills, surely that child will bury him on the river's edge. The night has arrived.
"Katak anakku,aku mempunyai satu permohonan untukmu.Jika tuhan memanggilku,tplong makamkan aku di tepi sungai,"pesan ibu katak.
"Frog, my child, I have a request for you. If God calls me, tplong buries me by the river," the frog mother ordered.
Ibu katak sengaja berpesan seprti itu.Karena ia tahu,jika aia meminta katak untuk menguburkannya ti tepi sungai,maka katak akan menguburkannya di bukit.
Mother of the frog deliberately ordered something like that. Because she knew, if she asked the frog to bury it at the river's edge, the frog would bury it on the hill.
Hari demi hari berlalu.Ibu katak pun meninggal dunia.Katak sangat sedih.Ia hanya bisa menangis.Tapi, katak ingat pesan terakhir ibunya,yaitu ingin di makamkan di tepi sungai.
day after day passed. The frog's mother died. The frog was very sad. He could only cry. But, the frog remembered his mother's last message, which was to be buried by the river.
Olala,saat hujan turun,air meluap.Katak pun harus menjaga makam ibunya tetap aman.Akibat kenakalannya dan ketidak patuhannya terhadap orang tua,katak menjadi repot sendiri.
Olala, when it rains, the water overflows. The frog must also keep his mother's grave safe. As a result of his delinquency and disobedience to parents, frogs become troublesome themselves.

pesan moral/moral message
Membuat orang tua bahagia adalah ibadah.Jadi teman,patuhilah orang tuamu,agar orang tuamu selalu bahagia.
Making parents happy is worship. So friends, obey your parents, so your parents are always happy.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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