         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Ada dua bersaudara yang hobi memanah.Hari ini,mereka ingin berburu di padang rumput dekat sungai.
There are two brothers who like archery. Today, they want to hunt in a meadow near the river.
Biasanya,di sana ada angsa yang melintas.Mereka berdua memang sangat suka memakan daging angsa.Setelah mengambil busur,mereka berangkat ke padang rumput.
Usually, there are swans that pass by. They both really like to eat goose meat. After taking a bow, they go to the meadow.
"Cepatlah,Dik.Aku sudah tak sabar ingin menangkap angsa untuk makan malam ini,"ajak sang kakak.Si adik pun bergegas mengikuti kakaknya.
"Hurry up, little brother. I can't wait to catch the swans for dinner tonight," the older sister asked. The younger sibling rushed to follow her brother.
Begitu sampai,keduanya bersembunyi di balik semak-semak.Tentu saja,agar angsa tidak mengetahuikeberadaan mereka.Setelah lama menunggu,akhirnya ada seekor angsa terbang melintas sungai.
knowing their whereabouts. After a long wait, finally there was a swan flying across the river.
"Aku akan memanah angsa itu.Aku akan membuatnya menjadi angsa bakar,ucap kakak.
"Tidak,kakak.Biar aku saja yang menangkapnya.Aku akan memakan angsa rebus,"tolak adik.
"Tidak,adikku.Aku yang lebih dahulu melihat angsa itu.Dan aku akan membakar daging angsa itu,"ujar sang kakak tak mau kalah.
"No, my sister. I saw the goose first. And I will burn the goose meat," said the brother did not want to lose.
"I will shoot the goose. I will make it a roasted goose," said brother.
"No, brother. Let me catch it. I will eat boiled goose," said sister.
"Tapi,aku lebih muda darimu.Harusnya kau mengalah dan membiarkanku merebus angsa itu,"seru adik.
Olala,kedua kakak beradik itu justru sibuk bertengkar.
"But, I'm younger than you. You should have relented and let me boil the goose," cried the younger brother.
Olala, the two siblings, were busy fighting.
Mereka bahkan tidak menyadari bahwa angsa buruan mereka sudah terbang menjauh."Lebih baik kita minta pendapat kakek saja.Mungkin kakek bisa memberi keputusan yang adil untuk kita,".usul sang kakak.
They don't even realize that their hunted geese have flown away. "We'd better ask grandfather's opinion. Maybe grandfather can give a fair decision for us," suggested the brother.
Sang adik pun setuju.Mereka pulang kerumah untuk meminta saran kakek mereka.Begitu sampai di rumah,sang kakak menceritakan apa yang terjadi.Olala,kakek justru tertawa.
"Kenapa tidak kau bagi dua saa angsa itu?Separuh bisa dibakar,dan separuh bisa di rebus,"saran sang kakek.
The younger siblings also agreed. They went home to ask for their grandfather's advice. Once they got home, the brother told him what had happened. Oh, grandfather just laughed.
"Why don't you split those two geese? Half can be burned, and half can be boiled," the grandfather advised.
"Wah benar juga kata kakek.Mengapa aku tak berfikir seperti itu?"Kakak setuju dengan kakek,begitu pula dengan sang adik.
"Wow, that's right, grandfather said. Why don't I think like that?"
"Tunggu apa lagi kak?Ayo kita kembali ke padang rumput untuk memanah angsa itu,"ajak adik.
Mereka pun kembali ke padang rumput.Tapi,terlambat angsa sudah tidak ada disana.
What are you waiting for sis? Let's go back to the meadow to shoot the swan," said the younger brother.
They returned to the meadow. But, too late the geese were not there.
"Ah,andai tadi kita tidak bertengkar,mungkin kita sudah dapat menangkap angsa itu.Lihatlah sekarang.Angsa itu sudah pergi entah kemana.Kita pun tak dapat makan angsa malam ini,"sesal sang kakak.
"Ah, if we hadn't quarreled, maybe we could have already caught that goose. Look now. The goose has gone somewhere. We can't even eat the goose tonight," regrets the brother.
Dua bersaudara itu benar-benar menyesali tindakan bodoh mereka.Tidak seharusnya mereka mementingkan diri sendiri.
The two brothers truly regret their stupid actions. They shouldn't be selfish.

pesan moral/moral message
Kawan,selalu berbagi dengan sesama,ya.Apabila dengan saudara kita.Percayalah,tidak ada ruginya jika kita mau berbagi.
Friends, always share with others, yes. If with our brothers. Believe me, it would not hurt if we want to share.

Thank for reading story for kids 2 english dan artinya in my blog.


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