         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Seorang pemuda terlihat membawa banyak peti.Ia hendak berdagang ke negeri seberang.Untuk sampai kesana,ia harus melewati hutan.
A young man was seen carrying many chests. He was about to trade in a foreign country. To get there, he had to go through the forest.
Ketika berada di dalam hutan,tiba-tiba ia bertemu dengan serigala yang terluka.Ia pun takut akan dimangsa oleh serigala itu."Jangan mendekat,atau aku akan berteriak agar orang-orang datang menangkapmu!"gertak si pemuda.
When he was in the forest, he suddenly met with a wounded wolf. He was afraid that he would be devoured by the wolf. "Don't come near me, or I will shout so that people come to catch you!"snapped the young man
"Aku tak akan memangsamu.Tolonglah aku.Pemburu tengah mengejarku,"pinta serigala.
Tanpa pikir panjang,pemuda itu langsung memasukkan serigala ke dalam salah satu petinya.
I will not devour you. Help me. The hunter is chasing me," begged the wolf.
Without thinking, the young man immediately put a wolf in one of his coffins.
Ya,agar serigala,tidak ditangkap oleh pemburu.Namun,karena petinya terlalu kecil,si pemuda terpaksa mengikat kaki serigala,agar muat di dalam peti.
Yes, so that the wolf, is not captured by the hunters. However, because the chest is too small, the young man is forced to tie the foot of the wolf, so it can fit in the chest.
Tak lama kemudian,beberapa pemburu datang dengan membawa busur panah.Mereka menghampiri si pemuda."Wahai pemuda,Apakah kamu melihat serigala yang terluka berlari kesini?"tanya salah satu pemuda.
Shortly thereafter, some hunters came with bows. They approached the young man, "O young man, did you see the injured wolf run here?" Asked one of the young men.
"Tadi aku melihat serigala itu masuk ke perkampungan penduduk,"jawab si pemuda.
Mendengar jawaban si pemuda,para pemuda itu langsung berlari ke perkampungan penduduk.Sat dirasa pemburu sudah,si pemuda mengeluarkan serigala itu.Tapi,apa yang terjadi?
I saw the wolf go into the township," the young man answered.
Hearing the young man's answer, the young men immediately ran to the village residents. Sat felt the hunter had, the young man took out the wolf. But, what happened?
Olala,serigala itu malah bersiap hendak menerkam pemuda itu."Bukankah aku sudah menolongmu,serigala?Kenapa kamu malah mau memakanku?"tanaya si pemuda.
Olala, the wolf is actually getting ready to pounce on the young man. "Didn't I help you, wolf? Why do you want to eat me instead?"
"Sudah beberapa hari aku tidak makan,pertku sangat lapar,"jawab serigala.
Saat serigala mau menerkam si pemuda,muncul seorang petani.
I haven't eaten in several days, I'm very hungry," answered the wolf.
When the wolf wants to pounce on the young man, a farmer appears.
"Ada apa ini?"tanya petani itu.
Si pemuda pun menceritakan semuanya.Tapi,petani itu tak percaya.
"What's wrong?" Asked the farmer.
The young man also told me everything. But, the farmer did not believe.
"Aku tak percaya padamu.Nama mungkin serigala sebesar itu bisa masuk ke dalam peti yang kecil?"ucap petani itu.
"I don't believe you. Your name might be that big a wolf can get into a small crate?" Said the farmer.
Serigala pun meminta si pemuda untuk membuktikannya.Kakinya kembali diikat dan dimasukkan ke dalam peti.
The wolf also asked the young man to prove it. His legs were tied again and put in a chest.
Barulah si petani percaya.Ketika si pemuda yang baik itu hendak mengeluarkan serigala dari dalam peti,si petani melarangnya.
Then the farmer believes. When the good young man wants to get the wolf out of the box, the farmer forbids it.
"Biarkan serigala tak tahu balas budi itu tetap di dalam peti,sampai para pemburu menemukannya,"ucap si petani kepada si pemuda.
"Let the wolf not know how to return the favor in the chest until the hunters find it," the farmer said to the young man.
Pemuda itu pun mengangguk paham dengan maksud si petani.Ia bergegas melanjutkan perjalannnya,dan meninggalkan peti yang di dalamnya ada serigala di tengah hutan.
The young man nodded in understanding with the intention of the farmer. He hurried to continue his journey, and left the chest in which there was a wolf in the middle of the forest.

Pesan moral:
Kawan,sesulit apapun kita,jika teman kita sudah menolong,kita tidak boleh memanfaatkannya.Selalu ucapkan terima kasih bila ditolong teman.
Friends, no matter how difficult we are, if our friends have helped, we should not use them. Always say thank you when helped by friends.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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