         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Disebuah kerajaan,ada seorang raja yang sangat menyayangi kudanya.Ia membayar seorang pemuda untuk merawat kuda-kudanya itu.
In a kingdom, there was a king who loved his horse. He paid a young man to take care of his horses.
Salah satu kuda kesayangan raja adalah si hitam.Semenjak dirawat oleh pemuda itu,si hitam tumbuh menjadi kuda yang sehat dan gagah.
One of the king's favorite horses was the black one. Since he was cared for by the young man, the black grew into a healthy and handsome horse.
Si hitam juga memiliki bulu hitam mengkilat.Itu semua berkat si pemudayang mengurus si hitam dengan sangat telaten .Raja hanya sesekali datang untuk melihat si hitam.
The black one also has shiny black fur. That is all thanks to the young man who takes care of the black very painfully. The king only occasionally comes to see the black one.
Suatu hari ketika raja tidak ada tugas di kerajaan,ia menengok kuda-kudanya.Betapa takjubnya sang raja melihat si hitam memakan rumput dengan sangat lahap.
One day when the king had no duties in the kingdom, he looked at his horses. How amazed the king was to see the black eat the grass very well.
Hal itu membuat sang raja ingin memberi makan si hitam.Sang raja pun menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk memberi makan si hitam,tanpa diketahui oleh si pemuda.
That made the king want to feed the black. The king was waiting for the right time to feed the black, unnoticed by the young man.
Kesempatan itu pun datang.Si pemuda kebetulan mendapatkan tugas lain.Ia minta izin agar tugasnya merawat kuda diganti oleh orang lain.
The opportunity came. The young man happened to get another assignment. He asked for permission so that his duty to take care of horses was replaced by someone else.
Tanpa pikir panjang,sang raja sendiri yang mengurus si hitam.Ia memberi makan rumput seperti biasa yang di lakukan si pemuda.Tapi,apa ayng terjadi?
Without thinking, the king himself took care of the black. He fed the grass as usual the young man did. But, what happened?
Olala,si hitam menolak makanan yang di berikan raja.Sangat berbeda saat pemuda memberikannya makan.Raja pun menjadi marah.Ia merasa si htam tak patuh kepadanya.Padahal ia pemilik si hitam.
Olala, the black refused the food that was given by the king. It was very different when the youth gave him food. The king became angry. He felt that the htam disobeyed him.
"Ada apa suamiku?Mengapa engkau terlihat kesal,tanya ratu saat melihat raja kembali ke istana dengan wajah yang marah.
"What's wrong my husband? Why do you look upset, asked the queen when she saw the king returned to the palace with an angry face.
"Si hitam sudah mengkhianati kita.ia lebih patuh kepada pemuda yang merawatnya daripada denganku.Akan ku sembelih saja si hitam!"ujr raja yang merasa geram.
"The black has betrayed us. He is more obedient to the young man who cared for him than with me. I will just slaughter the black!" Said the king who felt furious.
"Jangan,Mungkin si hitam sudah akrab dengan pemuda itu.Atau mungkin pemuda itu memiliki rahasia dalam merewat si hitam,"kata ratu dengan sabar.
"Don't, maybe the black one is already familiar with the young man. Or maybe the young man has a secret of getting past the black one," said the queen patiently.
Raja terdiam mendengar penuturaan ratu."lebih baik selidiki terlebih dahulu.Mungkin benar,pemuda itu
mempunyai rahasia dalam merawat si hitam,"usul ratu.Raja pun segera mengutus prajurid untuk menyelidiki pemuda itu.
he king was silent hearing the speech of the queen. "It's better to investigate first. Maybe it's true, that young man
has a secret in caring for the black one, "suggested the queen. King immediately sent a prajurid to investigate the young man.
Berhari-hari tidak ada kaber dari prajurit.Raja menunggu dengan gelisah.Sampai suatu hari prajurit menghadap raja."Yang mulia ternyata pemuda itu memiliki rahasia,"lapor prajurit.
For days there was no news from the soldiers. The king waited anxiously. Until one day the soldier went to the king.
"Apakah rahasia itu?"tanya raja penasaran.
"Setiap memberi makan si hitam pemuda itu selalu mencampurnya dengan madu.Si hitam sangat suka madu,"ujar prajurit
What is the secret?" Asked the king curious.
"Every time he feeds the black man, he always mixes it with honey. Black people really like honey," the soldier said
Raja tertegun.Ia lalu kembali memberi makan si hitam.Namun,kali ini ,ia memberikan rumput yang sudah ada madunya.Benar saja si hitam makan dengan lahapnya.Raja pun menjadi senang.
The king was stunned. He then returned to feed the black one. However, this time, he gave the grass that was already there. Just wait, the black one ate with gusto. The king became happy.
Rupananya,raja telah salah sangka.Andai raja benar-benar menyembelih si hitam,ia akan sangat menyesal.Untnunglah,ada ratu yang mengingatkannnya untuk berhati-hati dan tidak gegabah.
the king has misunderstood. If the king really slaughtered the black, he will be very sorry. Luckily, there is a queen who reminded him to be careful and not rash.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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