         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Seorang petani terlihat sedang menanam padi di sawah.Meskipun ia bekerja seorang diri,Tapi ia seolah tak mengenal lelah.
A farmer was seen planting rice in a rice field. Even though he worked alone, he seemed tireless.
Hari demi hari berlalu,petani itu sangat telaten merawat padinya.Akan tetapi,ia bingung.Padi-padinya tidak seperti padi-padi milik tetangganya yang tumbuh tinggi.
Day after day passed, the farmer was very careful caring for his rice. However, he was confused. His rice was not like the rice belonging to his neighbor who grew tall.
Hal ini membuat si petani merasa sedih."Aku telah gagal menanam padi.Padiku tidak setinggi padi yang lain,"ucap petani,sedih.Petani pulang kerumah dengan lemas.
This made the farmer feel sad. "I have failed to grow rice. My paddy is not as high as other rice," said the farmer, sad. Farmer returned home limply.
Ia terus memikirkan cara untuk membuat padi-padinya tinggi seperti padi tetangganya.Setelah semalaman tak tidur,akhirnya petani mendapatkan ide.
He kept thinking of ways to make his rice as high as his neighbor's rice. After staying up all night, the farmer finally got an idea.
Begitu pagi datang,ia langsung pergi ke sawah.Dengan penuh semangat,petani itu menarik padi-padinya ke atas,hingga padinya terlihat tinggi.
As soon as morning came, he immediately went to the rice fields. With enthusiasm, the farmer pulled his rice upwards, until the rice looked high.
Bahkan,sebagian padi sampai terlihat akarnya,karena si petani menarik padi-padi itu sangat tinggi.Menjelang tengah hari,baru separuh sawah yang ditarik padinya.
In fact, some of the rice was up to its roots, because the farmer pulled the rice very high. By midday, only half of the rice fields had been withdrawn from it.
Petani merasa sangat lelah.Setelah beristirahat senbentar,si petani kembali melanjutkan menarik padi-padinya.
The farmer feels very tired. After a short rest, the farmer continues to pull his rice back.
Memang bukan pekerjaan yang mudah,tapi si petani pantang menyerah.Hari hampir petang ketika semua tanaman padinya berhasil ditarik.
It is not an easy job, but the farmer never gives up. It was almost evening when all the rice plants were pulled
Petani pun menjadi sangat senang,karena sekarang tinggi padinya sama dengan padi milik tetangganya."Aku akan sukses memanen padi,"ucap petani dengan penuh percaya diri.
Farmers also became very happy, because now the paddy level is the same as that of their neighbor's rice. "I will successfully harvest rice," said the farmer confidently.
Petani pun pulang dengan hati yang riang.Saking gembiranya,ia tak bisa tidur semalaman.Ia membayangkan tanaman padinya yang sudah bertumbuh tinggi.
The farmer returns home with a happy heart. So excited, he can't sleep all night. He imagines his rice plants that have grown tall
Begitu matahari menampakkan sinarnya,petani bergegas ke sawah.Tapi,apa yang terjadi?Olala,alangkah terkejutnya si petani saat melihat semua tanaman padinya mati.
As soon as the sun showed its light, the farmer rushed to the rice fields. But, what happened? Olala, how surprised the farmer was when he saw all his rice plants die.
Ia telah melakukan kesalahan.Tidak seharusnya ia menarik padi-padinya itu.Si petani pun hanya bisa menyesali kebodohnnya.
He had made a mistake. He should not have pulled the rice. The farmer could only regret his stupidity.

Pesan moral/Moral message:
Kita tidak boleh meaksakan sesuatu,karena pasti akan berakibat buruk.
We should not force anything, because it will surely have bad consequences.

Thank for reding STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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