         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

Mengulangi perkataan orang lain/Repeating the words of others

Pada masa Dinasti Han Timur,ada seorang yang terkenal karena kecerdasannya.Ia bernama Bao Jian.
During the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a person who was famous for his intelligence. He was named Bao Jian.
Kecerdasan Bao Jian terdengar sampai ke telinga raja.Raja pun ingin menjadikan Bao Jian sebagai pegawainya.
Bao Jian's intelligence reached the king's ears. King wanted to make Bao Jian his employee.
"Raja akan menjadikanku pegawainya.Aku harus belajar tata krama di istana.Aku harus menemui seseorang untuk mengajariku,"ucap Bao Jian.Bao Jian lalu menemui seseorang.Ia pun menyampaikan maksudnya kepada guru barunya itu.
"The king will make me his servant. I must learn manners in the palace. I must meet someone to teach me," said Bao Jian. Bao Jian then met someone. He also conveyed his intention to the new teacher.
"Saat kau berada di istana nanti,ikutilah semua perkataan yang disampaikan oleh petugas istana,"ucap guru Bao Jian.
"When you are at the palace, follow all the words conveyed by palace officials," said teacher Bao Jian.
Bao Jian mengangguk pelan.Ia mengira,maksud gurunya adalah ia mengikuti apa yang diucapkan oleh petugas istana.Keesokan harinya,Bao jian dipanggil ke istana.Ia diundang untuk mengikuti upacara yang ada di istana.
Bao Jian nodded slowly. He thought, the intention of his teacher was that he followed what was said by the palace officials. The next day, Bao jian was summoned to the palace. He was invited to attend the ceremony in the palace.
Bao Jian sangat senang mendapat undangan itu.Sesampainya di istana,Bao jian,Bao Jian disambut oleh petugas istana.
Bao Jian was very pleased to get the invitation. Upon arriving at the palace, Bao Jian, Bao Jian was welcomed by the palace officials.
"Silahkan bersujud kepada raja,"ucap petugas istana.
"Silahkan bersujud kepada raja,"tiru Bao Jian.Ia lalu bersujud kepada raja.
Please bow to the king," the palace official said.
"Please bow to the king," imitated Bao Jian. He then bowed to the king.
Olala,Bao Jian mengikuti ucapan petugas istana.Tidak hanya mengikuti dalam perbuatan,Ia bahkan mengulang perkataan petugas istana.Rupanya,ia telah salah menafsirkan perkataan gurunya.
Olala, Bao Jian followed the palace officer's words. Not only did he follow the deeds, he even repeated the palace officer's words. Apparently, he had misinterpreted his teacher's words.
Mendengar hah itu,Raja dan petugas istana menjadi bingung.Namun,mereka hanya diam.Saat para tamu undangan berkumpul,petugas istana berseru.
Hearing that, the king and palace officials became confused. However, they were only silent. When the invited guests gathered, the palace official called out.
"Silahkan para tamu undangan untuk duduk  dan mengikuti upacara,"seru petugas istana.
Semua tamu undangan melepas sepatu mereka.Namun,lagi-lagi Bao Jian mengikuti apa yang dikatakan petugas istana.
"Please invite guests to sit and attend the ceremony," the palace official exclaimed.
All invited guests took off their shoes. However, Bao Jian again followed what the palace officials said.
Ia ikut berseru seperti apa yang disampaikan petugas istana.
"Silahkan para tamu undangan untuk duduk dan mengikuti upacara,"seru Bao Jian.
He joined in exclaiming as what palace officials said.
"Please invite guests to sit and attend the ceremony," exclaimed Bao Jian.
Seketika semua ,semua tamu undangan menatap Bao Jian.Bao Jian terlihat salah tingkah.Karena gugup,ia terburu-buru duduk dan lupa melepas sepatunya hingga upacara selesai.
All at once, all the invited guests stared at Bao Jian. Bao Jian looked awkward. Being nervous, he hurriedly sat down and forgot to take off his shoes until the ceremony was over.
Saat upacara selesai,semua tamu undangan berdiri dan mengenakan sepatu mereka.Namun Bao Jian justru bingung mencari sepatunya.
When the ceremony was over, all the invited guests stood up and put on their shoes. But Bao Jian was confused looking for his shoes.
"Dimana sepatuku?Dimana sepatuku?ucap Bao Jian kebingungan.
Petugas istana yang mengetahui hal itu,alngsung menghampiri Bao Jian,Ia lalu menunjuk sepatu Bao Jian.
Where are my shoes? Where are my shoes?" Said Bao Jian in confusion.
Palace officials who know that, directly approached Bao Jian, he then pointed at Bao Jian's shoes.
"Kau lupa melepaskan sepatumu,"ucap petugas istana.
"Kau lupa melepaskan sepatumu,"Bao Jian kembali menirukan ucapan petugas istana.Sungguh Bao Jian merasa malu.Ia baru sadar bahwa ia telah  melakukan kesalahan.Ia memang mendengarkan nasehat gurunya,tapi ia salah mengartikan nasehat itu.
You forgot to take off your shoes," the palace official said.
"You forgot to take off your shoes," Bao Jian repeated the imitation of the palace official. Really Bao Jian felt ashamed. He just realized that he had made a mistake. He did listen to the advice of his teacher, but he misinterpreted that advice.

Pesan moral/Moral message
Malu bertanya,sesat dijalan.Jika tidak mengerti sesuatu,bertanyalah agar kau tidak salah paham.
Embarrassed to ask, go astray on the road. If you don't understand something, ask so you don't misunderstand.

Thank for reading STORY KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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