         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Kenari sudah terlihat sibuk sedari pagi di dapur.Ia sedang menyiapkan makananRupanya kedua sahabatnya,Merpati dan gagak,akan datang ke rumahnya.
Walnuts already look busy from morning in the kitchen. He is preparing food. Apparently his two friends, Merpati and crow, will come to his house.
Kenari ingin menyambut mereka dengan baik.Setelah semua makanan siap,Kenari merapikan rumahnya.
Walnuts want to welcome them well. After all the food is ready, Walnuts tidy up their house.
Menjelang siang,Merpati datang.Kenari menyambut merpati dengan ramah.Ia mempersilahkan merpati untuk langsung ke meja makan.Tak selang beberapa lama,gagak datang.
By noon, the pigeons came. The dancers welcomed the pigeons. He invited the pigeons to go straight to the dining table. Not a long time ago, crows came.
Ia pun disambut ramah oleh kenari,dan langsung ikut bergabung dengan merpati.Mereka lalu menikmati jamuan makanan.
He was welcomed friendly by walnuts, and immediately joined the pigeons. They then enjoyed a meal.
"Wah,kenari.Rumahmu sangat sepi,"puji gagak saat melihat rumah kenari yang memang sangat sepi.
Kenari tersipu malu."Biasa saja,gagak.Aku selalu merapikannya setiap hari."
"Wow, walnuts. Your house is very quiet," praised the crow when he saw the canary house which was very quiet.
Walnuts blushed, "Just ordinary, crow. I tidy it up everyday."
"Oh,pantas saja rumahmu selalu rapi.Selai rumahmu yang rapi,bulumu juga sangat indah,"lanjut gagak.
Sementara itu,merpati hanya diam.Ia sedang menikmati makanan kenari yang sangat lezat.
Oh, it is fitting that your house is always neat. Your house is neat, your feathers are also very beautiful," the crow continued.
Meanwhile, the pigeon just kept quiet. He was enjoying a very delicious walnut meal.
"Kata binatang di hutan,suaramu juga merdu.Mereka sering mendengarkan nyanyianmu pada pagi hari.Sungguh sempurna dirimu."Gagak terus-menerus memuji.
"Said the animals in the forest, your voice is also melodious. They often listen to your singing in the morning. Really perfect yourself." The crow continued to praise.
"Jangan berlebihan begitu.Menurutku,setiap binatang mempunyai kelebihan masing-masing.Iya kan,merpati.
"Don't overdo it. In my opinion, every animal has their own advantages. Right, dove.
Merpati hanya tersenyum."Kenari,aku ingin mendengar suara indahmu.Bernyanyilah untuk kami,"pinta gagak.
Pigeons just smiled. "Walnuts, I want to hear your beautiful voice. Sing for us," pleaded the crow.
Mereka pun menghabiskan waktu dengan bernyanyi bersama-sama.Saat hari semakin sore,Gagak dan Merpati berpamitan pulang.Dari depan pintu rumah,kenari melepas kepulangan dua sahabatnya.
They also spent time singing together. When the day was getting late, Crow and Merpati said goodbye. From the front door of the house, walnuts let go of the return of two friends.
Merpati dan gagak pulang bersama-sama.Di tengah perjalanan,Gagak membuka percakapan.
"Menurutku rumah kenari tidak terlalu rapi.Warna kulitnya pun tak terlalu bagus amat.Apalagi suaranya,membuat telinga panas,"ujar gagak.
Pigeons and crows go home together. In the middle of the journey, Crow opens a conversation.
"In my opinion, the walnut house is not very neat. The color of the skin is not very good. Especially the sound, making ears hot," said the crow
Merpati hanya diam.
"Bagaimana menurutmu,merpati?"tanya gagak.
Pigeons just keep quiet.
"What do you think, dove?" Asked the crow.
"Menurutku rumah merpati memang rapi,rumahku tak serapi rumahnya.Warna bulunya juga indah.Belum lagi suaranya,sangat merdu,"jawab merpati.
"I think the pigeon house is neat, my house is not as neat as the house. The color of the feathers is also beautiful.
Olala,gagak menjadi malu.Ternyata,merpati tak suka dengan sikap gagak yang bermuka dua.Didepan kenari,gagak memuji-muji kenari.Sedang di belakang kenari,gagak justru menjelek-jelekkan kenari.Merpati pun terbang meninggalkan gagak sendirian.
Olala, crows become embarrassed. Apparently, pigeons do not like the two-faced crow's attitude. In front of the walnuts, crows praise the walnuts. While behind the walnuts, crows actually denigrate the walnuts. Pigeons fly leaving the crows alone.

Pesan moral
Kawan,jangan seperti gagak,yang suka memuji di depan,tapi di belakang menjelekkan.Kamu akan dijauhi teman bila bila bersikap seperti gagak.

Friends, don't be like crows, who like to praise in the front, but in the back is to vilify. You 
will be shunned by friends if you act like crows.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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