         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


                     Suatu ketika,hiduplah seorang raja dengan permaisurinya.
Once upon a time, there lived a king with his queen.
Mereka memiliki tiga orang putra.Sejak kecil,ketiga anak itu hidup serba kecukupan.
They have three sons. Since they were small, the three children have lived well.
Princess selalu memanjakan mereka dengan mainan-mainan yang bagus.
Princess always spoiled them with nice toys.
Tak hanya itu,semua yang mereka inginkan akan terpenuhi dalam sekejab.
not only that, everything they want will be fulfilled in an instant.
Akibatnya,ketiga pangeran itu tumbuh menjadi anak yang manja.
As a result, the three princes grew into spoiled children.
"Jika mereka terus-menerus seperti ini,bagaimana kelak mereka akan memimpin negaraini?"tanya raja.
"If they continue like this, how will one day they lead the country?" Asked the king.
"Sudahlah suamiku mereka masih remaja.Siapa tahu setelah dewasa nanti mereka akan mandiri,"sahut ratu.
"Never mind my husband they are still teenagers. Who knows when they grow up they will be independent," said the queen.
Raja pun terdiam.Ah tidak ada gunanya mengungkapkan isi hatinya kepada ratu.Ratu sangat menyayangi anak-anaknya.

The king was silent. Ah there is no point in expressing his heart to the queen. The queen loved her ch
ildren very much.
Namun raja tetap mengkhawatirkan masa depan negerinya.Ia sangat ingin anak-naknya menjadi anak yang mandiri.Ia pun memanggil seorang penasehat.
But the king was still worried about the future of his country. He really wanted his sons to become independent children. He also called an advisor.
"Ada apa,baginda raja?Apakah ada masalah yang mendesak?"tanya penasehat.
"What's wrong, sire king? Is there an urgent problem?" Asked the advisor.
"Aku sedang risau dengan ketiga anakku.Kelak mereka akan menjadi pemimin negeri ini.
"I'm worried about my three children. Later they will be the leaders of this country.
Tapi apa jadinya negeri ini jika dipimpin oleh mereka yang belum mandiri?
But what will become of this country if led by those who are not yet independent?
Menurutmu,apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk merubah perilaku anak-anakku?"tanya raja.
What do you think I should do to change the behavior of my children? "Asked the king.
Penasehat tidak langsung menjawab.Ia berfikir keras.Setelah beberapa lama,akhirnya si penasehat mempunyai ide.
The advisor does not answer right away. He thinks hard. After a while, the adviser finally has an idea.
"Tuanku,bagaimana jika engkau menyuruh mereka bertiga berkuda mengelilingi kerajaan untuk mengetahui keadaan rakyat?
"My lord, what if you tell the three of them to ride around the kingdom to find out the condition of the people?
Mungkin dengan melihat keadaan rakyat secara langsung mereka akan tergerak untuk berubah,"ujar penasehat.
Maybe by seeing the situation of the people directly they will be moved to change, "said the advisor.
Raja setuju dengan usul penasehat.Ia segera mnyuruh ketiga putranya berkuda mengelilingi kerajaan untuk mengetahui keadaan rakyat secara langsung.
The king agreed with the advisor's proposal. He immediately told his three sons to ride around the kingdom to find out the condition of the people firsthand.
Tak lupa ratu memberikan bekal untuk mereka.
The queen didn't forget to provide provisions for them.
Berangkatlah ketiga pangeran itu.Raja merasa senang,karena ketiga anaknya mau melakukan perintahnya.
The three princes left. The king was happy, because his three children wanted to do his bidding.
Namun,sudah tiga bulan lebih ketiga pangeran itu pergi,tapi mereka belum juga kembali.
However, more than three months the three princes left, but they have not yet returned.
Raja menjadi cemas.Apalagi sang ratu,ia terus-meneru menangis.Akhirnya,raja dan ratu memutuskan untuk mencari mereka.
The king became anxious. Moreover, the queen, she continued to cry. Finally, the king and queen decided to look for them.

Pesan moral/Moral message

Jadilah anak yang mandiri,dan lakukan hal yang bisa kamu lakukan sendiri.Jangan jadi anak yang manja,ya.
Be an independent child, and do things you can do yourself. Don't be a spoiled child, yes.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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