Tepat di tengah dahan,Semut berhenti.Ia ingin beristirahat sejenak.Olala,tiba-tiba makanan yang di bawanya terjatuh.
Right in the middle of the branch, the Ant stops. He wants to rest for a moment.
Sontak, semut pun ikut terjtuh dan terjebur ke sungai.Seketika,,tubuh kecilnya terseret arus air."Tolong-tolong!teriak semut meminta tolong.
Suddenly, the ants also fell and fell into the river. Instantly, his little body was dragged by the flow of water. "Please help! The ants scream for help.
Kebetulan,saat itu Merpati sedang melintas di udara.Ia mendengar teriakan semut.Merpati pun mencari asal suara itu."Apa yang harus aku lakukan?semut tenggelam,"gumam merpati,bingung harus berbuat apa.
Incidentally, at that time the Pigeons were passing through the air. He heard the ant's scream. The pigeons were looking for the origin of the voice.
Ia lalu melihat daun-daun yang sudah menguning.Tanpa membuang waktu,merpati langsung memetik satu daun itu,kemudian dijatuhkannya di dekat semut.Melihat ada daun didekatnya,semut berusaha naik ke atas daun yang mengapung itu.
He then saw the leaves that had yellowed. Without wasting time, the pigeons immediately picked one leaf, then dropped it near the ant. Seeing there was a leaf nearby, the ant tried to rise above the floating leaf.
Sesaat kemudian,daun itu menepi.Merpati pun mendekati semut.
"Kamu tidak apa-apa,semut?"tanya merpati.
A moment later, the leaf pulled over. The pigeon approached the ant."Are you all right, ant?" Asked the pigeon
"Tidak apa-apa, merpati.Terima kasih,kamu telah menolongku.Jika tidak ada kamu,mungkin aku sudah mati terhanyut arus sungai,"ucap semut dengan tulus.
"It's okay, pigeon. Thank you, you helped me. If there was no you, maybe I would have been washed away by the river," the ant said sincerely.
"Sama-sama,semut.Kita memang harus tolong- menolong,"balas merpati.
"Baiklah,semut.Aku pergi dulu.Lebih berhati-hati di jalan,ya,"lanjut merpati,lalu terbang ke sebuah pohon dekat sungai.
Alright, ant. I'll go first. Be more careful on the road, yes, "continued the dove, then flew to a tree near the river.
Semut pun bertekat akan menolong merpati jika suatu saat merpati mendapat bahaya.Baru saja merpati hinggap di sebuah dahan,ada seorang pemburu yang mengincarnya.
An ant is determined to help the pigeon if one day the pigeon gets danger. Just dove perched on a branch, there is a hunter who is after him.
Pemburu itu mengendap-engendap,hendak menembak merpati.Merpati pun tak menydari kedatangan pemburu.Semut yang melihat hal itu,menjadi panik."Aku harus menolong merpati!"Semut mendekat ke pemburu.
The hunter sneaks, about to shoot a pigeon. The pigeon did not notice the hunter coming. The ant who saw that, panicked, "I have to help the pigeon!"
Ia naik ke pergelangan kaki si pemburu,lalu menggigitnya.Olala,pemburu kaget dan kesakitan.Tembakannya pun meleset.
He climbed to the hunter's ankles, then bit him. Olala, the hunter was shocked and in pain. The shot missed.
Mendengar tembakan itu,Merpati langsung sadar jika ada pemburu di sana.Ia pun terbang menjauh.Sambil terbang,ia bisa melihat semut turun dari kaki si pemburu.
Hearing the shot, Merpati immediately realized that there was a hunter there. He flew away. While flying, he could see the ants coming down from the hunter's feet.
Merpati pun tahu,bahwa semutlah yang menolongnya."Terima kasih semut!"teriak merpati sambil terbang menjauh.
Even pigeons know that ants help them, "Thank you ants," the pigeons shouted, flying away.
pesan moral/moral message
Tolong-menolong siapa pun yang membutuhkan bantuan,maka kamu pun akan mendapat bantuan ketika kamu kesusahan.
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