         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Pasar terlihat cukup ramai.Banyak pembeli yang ingin membeli kebutuhannya.Dalam keramaian pasar,terlihat seorang nenek yang membawa mangkuk emas.
The market looks quite crowded. Many buyers who want to buy their needs. In the bustle of the market, seen a grandmother carrying a golden bowl.
Meski mangkuk emas itu milik si nenek,tapi sepertinya ia tak tahu jika mangkuk ditangannya adalah mangkuk emas.
Although the golden bowl belongs to the grandmother, but it seems like she doesn't know that the bowl in her hand is the golden bowl.
Nenek itu menawarkan mangkuk emasnya ke seorang pedagang.Pedagang itu sudah terkenal tamak.
"Saya ingin enjul mangkuk.Bisakah kau membelinya?"ucap si nenek,menawarkan mangkuknya.
The grandmother offered her golden bowl to a merchant. The merchant was already famous for being greedy.
"I want a bowl. Can you buy it?" Said the grandmother, offering the bowl.
Si pedagang terbelalak melihat mangkuk emas yang dijual si nenek.Sepertinya si nenek tak tahu bahwa itu mangkuk emas,pikir si pedagang.Timbullah niat jahat di hati pedagang.
The merchant stared at the golden bowl sold by the grandmother. It seems like the grandmother did not know that it was a golden bowl, thought the merchant. There arose evil intentions in the merchant's heart.
"Aku hanya bisa menukar mangkukmu dengan sendok dan garpu,"kata pedagang.
"Tidakkah itu terlalu murah?"tawar si nenek. 
I can only exchange your bowl for spoons and forks," the merchant said.
"Isn't that too cheap?" Offered the grandmother.
"Mangkukmu itu jekek.Hanya itu yang mampu aku tukar dengan mangkukmu,"ujar si pedagang,berusaha meyakinkan.
"Your bowl is stale. That's all I can exchange for your bowl," said the merchant, trying to convince.
Tapi,nenek itu membutuhkan lebih dari sendok dan garbu.Ia pun pergi meninggalkan pedagang tamak.Pedagang berfikir,nenek itu akan kembali lagi dan bersedia menukar mangkuk emasnya.
But, the grandmother needed more than a spoon and a fork. She left the greedy trader. The merchant thought, the grandmother would come back again and be willing to exchange the golden bowl.
Ternyata,perkiraan si pedagang tamak salah.Nenek itu justru menawarkan mangkuk emasnya ke pedagang lain yang baik hati.
As it turned out, the greedy merchant's guess was wrong. The grandmother actually offered her golden bowl to another kind merchant.
"Mohon maaf nek.Bukannya aku tak mau membelinya,tapi uangku tak cukup untuk membeli mangkukmu.Bahkan seluruh daganganku tak cukup untuk membayarnya,"tolak pedagang itu dengan sopan.
"I'm sorry, Grandma. Not that I don't want to buy it, but I don't have enough money to buy your bowl. In fact, my entire merchandise isn't enough to pay for it," said the merchant politely.
Mendengar perkataan pedagang itu,si nenek tersenyum.
"Aku hanya menginginkan beberapa peralatan rumah tangga,nak.Anakku akan menikah.Aku ingin menghadiahkan peralatan itu kepada anakku.Jika berkenan,aku ingin menukarnya,"kata nenek itu sambil menunjuk beberapa peralatan rumah di toko si pedagang.
Hearing the merchant's words, the grandmother smiled.
"I just want some household equipment, son. My child will get married. I want to give the equipment to my child. If you wish, I want to exchange it," said the grandmother, pointing to some household equipment in the merchant's shop.
Setelah bertukar,si nenek pergi dari toko itu.Ia elewati toko si pedagang tamak.Awalnya,pedagang tamak merasa senang.
After exchanging, the grandmother left the store. She passed the greedy merchant's shop. Initially, the greedy merchant felt happy.
Ia mengira si nenek kembali lagi padanya.Tapi,kebahagiaan itu hilang saat ia melihat tangan nenek.Tidak ada lagi mangkuk emas.Hanya ada beberapa peralatan rumah .
He thought the grandmother returned to him. But, happiness was lost when he saw the hand of the grandmother. There was no longer a golden bowl. There were only some home appliances.
Pedagang tamak itu merasa amat menyesal.Andai ia menawar dengan harga yang pantas,mungkin mangkuk emas itu sudah menjadi miliknya.Tapi,nasi sudah menjadi bubur Ia pun hanya bisa kecewa.
The greedy trader felt very sorry. If he bargained at a reasonable price, maybe the gold bowl had become his. But, rice had become porridge He could only be disappointed.


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