         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Hari ini raja dan ratu pergi untuk mencari ketiga anak mereka.
Today the king and queen go to look for their three children.
Mereka pergi dengan didampingi oleh pengawal dan juga beberapa dayang.
They left accompanied by a bodyguard and also some ladies.
Sudah seharian mereka berkuda,namun mereka belum melihat tiga pangeran.
They have been riding all day, but they haven't seen the three princes.
Karena mereka letih,mereka memutuskan untuk beristirahat.
Because they were tired, they decided to rest.
Para pengawal sibuk mendirikan tenda,sementara para dayang merapikan peralatan.
Guards were busy setting up tents, while ladies in waiting tidied up their equipment.
"Sebentar lagi malam akan tiba.Sebaiknya kita beistirahat di sini.Kita lanjutkan perjalanan esok hari,"kata raja.
"Soon the night will arrive. We better rest here. We continue the journey tomorrow," said the king.
Hari semakin larut,tapi raj dan ratu tidak bisa memejamkan mata.
It was getting late, but Raj and the queen could not close their eyes.
Mereka sangat mengkhawatirkan ketiga anak mereka.
They are very worried about their three children.
Tak terasa,hari sudah pagi.Setelah sarapan,mereka kembali melanjutkan perjalanan.Tibalah merekadi sebuah hutan.
Not felt, it was morning. After breakfast, they resumed their journey. They arrived in a forest.
Terlihat seekor kuda yang sangat cantik disana.Ada pula seorang pertapa yang sedang mengawasi kuda tersebut.Ratu pun menghampiri petapa itu.
There was a very beautiful horse there. There was also an ascetic who was watching the horse. The queen approached the ascetic.
"Wahai petapa,aku mencari ketiga putraku yang hilang.Bisakah engkaumenoongku?"tanya raja.
"Itu mereka ,"ujar petapa seraya menunjuk ke arah tiga buah pilar batu.
"O ascetic, I am looking for my three missing sons. Can you please me?" Asked the king.
"There they are," said the hermit, pointing to three stone pillars.
"Apa maksudmu?"tanya raja,bingung.
"Aku mengubah ketiga putramu menjadi batu,karena mereka tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang aku ajukan.Mereka tidak akan menjadi raja yang baik.
"What do you mean?" Asked the king, confused.
"I turned your three sons to stone, because they could not answer the question I asked. They would not be good kings.
Aku akan mengembalikan mereka ke wujud semula,jika engkau bisa menjawab beberapa pertanyaanku,"kata petapa.
I will return them to their original form, if you can answer some of my questions, "said the ascetic.
"Apa pertanyaannya"Aku akan memcoba menjawabnya,"ucap raja.
"What's the question?" I'll try to answer it, "the king said.
"Putra baginda kedua melihat sebuah kebun yang dikelilingi oleh pagar.Tiba-tiba,pagar kayu itu berubah menjadi sabit dan memotong semua sayur-sayur yang ada di dalam kebun.Apa arti kejadian itu?"tanya petapa.
"The second king's son saw a garden surrounded by a fence. Suddenly, the wooden fence turned into a sickle and cut all the vegetables in the garden. What is the meaning of the incident?" Asked the hermit.
"Jawabannya sederhana,pagar itu untuk melindungi sayur mayur yang ada di dalam kebun.Hal itu sama seperti seorang pelayan yang bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga barang barang tuannyaPagar yang berubah menjadi sabit dan memotong sayur-mayur itu,sama seperti pelayan jahat yang merusak barang-barang tuannya,"jawab raja.
"The answer is simple, the fence is to protect vegetables in the garden. It is the same as a servant who is responsible for protecting his master's belongings. A fence that turns into a sickle and cuts those vegetables, is like an evil servant who damages his master's belongings. , "answered the king.
"Pangeran kedua melihat seorang lelaki yang membungkuk sangat rendah,karena bahan kayu yang dipikulnya.Meskipun lelaki itu sudah tua dan membungkuk sangat rendah,tapi ia tetap menambah jumlah kayu yang dipikulnya.Apa ari kejadian itu?"tanya petapa.
"The second prince saw a man who bowed very low, because of the wood he bore. Even though he was old and bowed very low, he still increased the amount of wood he was carrying. What is it about?" Asked the recluse.
"Hal itumenggambarkan seorang yng tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang dimilikinya.Ia selalu ingin mendapatkan yang lebih banyak lagi,"jawab raja.
"It describes a person who is never satisfied with what he has. He always wants to get more," the king replied.
"Putra ketiga baginda melihat sebuah kolam yang dipenuhi air.Tapi tiba-tiba kolam itu mengering untuk mengairi tanah di sekitar.Apa arti kejadian itu?tanya petapa.
"His third son saw a pond filled with water. But suddenly the pool dried up to irrigate the surrounding soil. What is the meaning of the incident? Asked the hermit.
"Hal itu menggambarkan  seorang yang hidup berfoya-foya.Ia menghabskan kekayaannya uantuk hal-hal yang tidak penting.Akhirnya harta itu pun habis,"jawab raja.
"It describes a person who lives disproportionately. He legitimates his wealth for insignificant things. Finally the treasure is gone," the king replied.
Setelah raja berhasilmenjawab pertanyaan itu,ketiga putranya pun kembali ke wujud aslinya.Mereka lalu kembali ke istana.Tak lupa si petapa itu ikut pula.Berkat didikan si petapa,ketiga pangeran itu pun menjadi anak yang mandiri.
After the king succeeded in answering the question, his three sons returned to their original form. They then returned to the palace. Not forgetting that the hermit was also participating. Thanks to the ascetic's upbringing, the three princes became independent children.

Pesan moral/Moral message
Be diligent in learning so that you become a smart child and can solve existing problems.
Rajinlah beljar supaya kamu menjadi anak yang pandai dan bisa memecahkan masalah yang ada.

Thank for reading STORY KIDS ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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