         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


 STORY FOR KIDSIn a village, lived a long-haired girl. She lived together with her old mother. 
 Di sebuah desa,hidup seorang gadis berambut panjang.Ia hidup berdua bersama ibunya yang tua.
But there was something strange about the girl's hair. All her hair was white. The gisses also looked like grandmothers.
Namun ada yang aneh dengan rambut gadis itu.Seluruh rambutnya berwarna putih.Gadis itu pun terlihat seperti nenek-nenek.
Because the villagers are often ridiculed, the girl is often aloof. Long droughts hit the village. The water began to recede and the plants began to die. Residents began to suffer, including the mother of the white-haired child.
Karena sering diejek penduduk desa,gadis itu sering menyendiri.Musim kemarau yang panjang pun melanda desa.Mata air mulai surut dan tanaman mulai mati.Penduduk mulai sengsara ,termasuk ibu anak berabut putih itu.
A white haired girl came into the forest. She wanted to find a spring. Although the forest was famous for being haunted, because there was a dragon guarding it. The white-haired girl wasn't afraid. She didn't want to see her mother suffer continuously.
Suatu hri gadis berambut putih itu masuk ke dalam hutan.Ia ingin mencari sumber mata air.Padahal hutan itu terkenal sangat angker,karena ada naga yang menjaganya.Tapi  gadis berambut putih tak takut.Ia tak mau melihat ibunya menderita terus menerus.
Arriving in the middle of the forest he saw a spring. Actually, the spring was guarded by a dragon.
"What brings you to here, O girl?" Asked the dragon.
Sesampainya di tengah hutan ia melihat mata air.Benar saja mata air itu dijaga oleh naga.
"Apa yang membawamu sampai kesini wahai gadis?"tanya naga.

"I want to find water for my mother. I don't want to see her suffer," answered the white-haired girl.
"Aku ingin mencari air untuk ibuku.Aku tak mau melihatnya menderita,"jawab gadis berambut putih.
Hearing the girl's answer the dragon became sorry. She was also amazed by the girl's efforts.
Mendengar jawaban gadis itu naga menjadi kasihan.Ia juga kagum dengan usah gadis itu.
"All right, you can take water in this spring. But you promised not to tell this to anyone," said the dragon.
"Baiklah kau boleh mengambil air di mata air ini.Tapi kau berjanji jangan memberitahu hal ini kepada siapapun.,"ucap naga.
The white-haired girl agreed to that requirement.
Gadis berambut putih menyanggupi persyaratan itu.
Thanks to the spring from the dragon, the family never lacked water.
Berkat mata air dari naga,keluuarga itu pun tak pernah kekurangan air
But over time the village was increasingly drought. Because it could not bear to see other residents miserable. White-haired girls told the springs that were guarded by dragons. When all the residents flocked to the spring.
Namun seiring berjalannya waktu desa itu semakin kekeringan.Karena tak tega melihat ppenduduk lain sengsara.Gadis berambut putih memberi tahu mata air yang dijaga oleh naga.Seketika semua penduduk berbondong-bondong mendatangi mata air itu.Naga pun menjadi marah.
"You have broken your promise. In return you must be the guardian of this place," said the dragon with a thunderous voice.
"Kau telah melanggar janjimu.Sebagai balasannya kau harus menjadi penunggu tempat ini,"Kata naga dengan suara yang menggelegar.
Realizing his mistake, the girl agreed. But, before becoming a guard, he asked the dragon for permission to meet his mother first. He wanted to say goodbye to his mother.
Menyadari kesalahannya,gadis itu pun setuju.Tapi,sebelum menjadi penunggu.ia meminta izin kepada naga untuk menemui ibunya dulu.Ia ingin berpamitan kepada ibunya.Naga mengabulkan permintaan itu.
The white-haired girl came home. Halfway up she met the old grandfather. The white-haired girl then told her everything. The sister felt love. She was looking for a way for the girl to survive. Ah! She had an idea.
Gadis berambut putih pun pulang kerumah.Ditengah jalan ia bertemu dengan kakek tua.Gadis berambut putih lalu menceritakan semuanya.Kakek itu merasa kasihanIa puun mencari cara agar gadis itu selamat.Aha!ia punya ide.

The old grandfather took the wooden statue. Then the old man asked the girl to cut off his hair. To put it on the head of the statue. Then the girl took the statue to the spring. The dragon thought the statue was a white-haired girl.
 Kakek tua mengambilpatung kayu.Kemudian kakek tua meminta gadis itu untuk memotong habis rambutnya.Untuk ditempelkan ke kepala patung itu.Lalu gadis itu membawa patung itu ke mata air.Olala naga itu mengira patung itu adaah gadis berambut putih.
 Then there was a miracle. The hair that grew on the girl's head turned black and nothing was white. The girl was very happy, because she was no different from the other girls.
Kemudian terjadi keajaiban.Rambut yang tumbuh di kepala si gadis jadi berwarna hitam dan tak ada yang berwarna putih.Gadis itu pun sangat senang,karena ia tak berbeda dengan gadis-gadis yang lainnya.
Since that time he has lived happily with his mother. The village has never run out of water. And the people there live prosperously. All that thanks to the white-haired girl.
Sejak saat itu ia hidup bahagia bersama ibunya.desa itu pun tak pernah kehabisan air.dan penduduk disana hidup dengan makmur.Semua itu berkat gadis berambut putih.

Comrades, if you want to do good don't see who we are helping. Make good with sincerity. The certainty will make sweet fruit.

Kawan ,jika ingin berbuat baik jangan melihat siapa yang kita tolong.Berbuat baiklah dengan iklas.Pasti keiklasan itu akan berbuah manis.



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