         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Alkisah,ada seekor burung yang berbeda dengan burung lainnya.Ia tak bisa terbang.Saat burung lain terbang mencari makan,burung yang berbeda itu hanya bisa berdiam di sangkar.
Once upon a time, there was a bird that was different from other birds. It could not fly. When other birds flew foraging, a different bird could only stay in a cage.
Hal ittu membuat dia kesepian.Pada suatu hari,burung berbeda itu mencari makan.Ia menggunaan paruhnya untuk menaiki dan menuruni pohon.Tiba-tiba ditengah jalan,ia menemukan sebuah telur.
That made him lonely. One day, the different bird was looking for food. He used his beak to climb up and down the tree. Suddenly in the middle of the road, he found an egg.
"Kasihan sekali telur ini.Pasti ia kesepian,"ucapnya.
Burung itu pun mencari sarang telur tersebut.Tapi,tak ada sarang burung di sekitarnya.
This poor egg. Surely he was lonely," he said.
The bird is also looking for the nest of the egg. But, there is no bird's nest around it.
"Tenanglah,telur.Aku akan membawamu pulang.Kamu tak akan kesepian,"ujar burung itu kepada telur.Telur yang terjatuh itu pun dibawanya pulang.
"Calm down, eggs. I will take you home. You will not be lonely," the bird said to the eggs. The fallen egg was brought home.
Berhari-hari,burung itu mengerami telur.Ia menyayangi telur itu layaknya anak itu.Sampai pada suatu hari,telur itu menetas.
For days, the bird incubates the egg. He loves the egg like a child. Until one day, the egg hatches.
Olala,ternyata anak burung elang.Induk burung pun merawat anak burung elang itu dengan penuh kasih sayang.
Olala, it turns out to be a baby eagle. The mother bird cared for the baby eagle lovingly.
Beberapa bulan kemudian,ketika anak burung elang sedang disarang,ia melihat beberapa burung terbang di langit.Nalurinya sebagai seorang burung pun muncul.
A few months later, when the hawk was being nested, he saw several birds flying in the sky. His instincts as a bird appeared.
"Ibu aku ingin bisa terbang seperti mereka.Bisakah ibu mengajariku?"rengek anak burung elang.
"My mother wants to be able to fly like them. Can you teach me?" Whined the eagle
"Maaf,anakku.Bukannya ibu tak mau mengajariku terbang,tapi aku sendiri tak bisa terbang.Aku tidak dapat mengajarimu,"jawab induk burung.
"Sorry, my child. Mother doesn't want to teach me to fly, but I myself can't fly. I can't teach you," answered the mother bird
"Lalu,bagaimana aku bisa terbang,bu?"tanya anak burung elang itu.
"Kamu latihan terbang sendiri ya,nak?"kata induk burung.Ia merasa sedih karena tak bisa membantu anak burung elang.
Then how can I fly, ma'am?" Asked the eagle.
"You practice flying alone, kid?" Said the mother bird. She felt sad because she couldn't help the eagle.
Anak burung elang itu pun belajar terbang sendiri.Bukan hal yang mudah memang.Berkali-kali anak burung elang itu terjatuh.Tapi,ia tak menyerah.Ia harus berusaha,hingga akhirnya ia bisa terbang.
The eagle also learns to fly on its own. Not an easy thing indeed. Many times the eagle falls. But, he doesn't give up. He has to try, until he can fly.
Anak burung elang itu sangat senang.Namun,induk burung itu menjadi sedih.Jika,anak burung elang bisa terbang,pasti induk burung akan ditinggalkan sehingga akan kesepian lagi.
The eagle chicks are very happy. However, the mother eagle becomes sad. If the eagle chicks can fly, surely the parent bird will be left behind so that it will be lonely again.
Anak burung elang tahu jika induk burung bersedih.Ia pun mendekati induk burung.
The eagle chicks know that the mother bird is sad. She approaches the mother bird.
"Kenapa ibu bersedih?"tanya anak burung elang.
"Kamu sudah bisa terbang,nak.Pasti kamu akan meninggalkanku,"jawab induk burung dengan  sedih.
"Why are you sad?" Asked the eagle.
"You can fly, son. Surely you will leave me," answered the mother bird sadly.
"Tenanglah ibu.Aku tak akan meninggalkanmu.Jangan takut,aku akan tetap menemanimu disini,"ujar anak burung elang,meyakinkan induk burung.
"Calm down mother. I will not leave you. Don't be afraid, I will keep you company here," said the eagle, reassuring the mother bird.
Seketika,induk burung berubah menjadi amat senang.Ia memeluk anaknya dengan erat.Itulah kasih sayang antara induk burung dan anak burung elang.Meski mereka berbeda,tapi mereka saling mengasihi.
Instantly, the mother bird turns into a very happy. She hugs her child tightly. That is the love between the mother bird and the falcon. Although they are different, but they love each other.

pesan moral/moral message
Teman,ayo menyayangi sesama,terutama kepada keluarga dan teman teman.Dengan menyayangi orang lain,engkau akan disayangi pula.
Friends, let's love others, especially family and friends. By loving others, you will be loved as well.


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