
Showing posts from July, 2020



         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Persahabatan ikan gabus dan tupai sangatlah erat.Mereka saling membantu satu sama lain.Bila tupai kesusahanikan gabus akan membantunya. Friendship fish cork and squirrels are very close. They help each other. When the squirrel cork trouble, it will help. Begitupun sebaliknya.Suatu hari,ikan gabus jatuh sakit.Ia tak mau makan apapun.Tupai yang sangat dekat dengannya pun menjadi khawatir. And vice versa. One day, cork fish fell ill. He did not want to eat anything. Squirrel who is very close to him also became worried. "Kau ingin makan apa,ikan gabus?Aku akan mencarikannya untukmu,tanya tupai. "Aku ingin makan hati ikan yu,tupai,"jawab ikan gabus.Mendengar jawaban ikan gabus,tupai menjadi bingung. "What do you want to eat, cork fish? I'll find it for you, ask the squirrel. "I want to eat yu's liver, squirrel," cork fish replied. Hearing the cork fish's answer, squirrel became confused. Ikan yu adalah ikan yang sangat besar.,ganas dan kuat.ia ting...


Alkisah,ada seorang lelaki yang hidup sederhana besama dengan istrinyaMeskipun demikian,lelaki itu tak pernah mengeluh. Once upon a time, there was a man who lived simply with his wife. Even so, he never complained. Ia sangat baik.Ia bahkan kerap membantu orang yang membutuhkannya.Laki-laki itu bekerja sebagai pembuat sepatu.Setiap malam,ia membuat sepatu,paginya ia menjual sepatunya ke pasar. He is very kind. He even often helps people who need it. The man works as a shoe maker. Every night, he makes shoes, in the morning he sells his shoes to the market. Suatu hari,lelaki itu baru pulang saat hari sudah petang.Ia tampak kelelahan.Rupanya siang tadi,ia menolong orang yang membutuhkan bantuan.Hal tersebut membuat lelaki itu kelelahan. One day, the man just returned when it was already evening. He looked tired. Apparently this afternoon, he helped people who needed help. It made him tired. "Aku harus membuat sepatu agar besok bisa kujual,"ucap lelaki itu. Malam pun tiba,lelaki...


Di kerajaan majapahit,ada seorang yang sakti mandraguna bernama Serunting.Tak ada yang berani melawan serunting. In the kingdom of Majapahit, there was a powerful mandraguna named Serunting. No one dared to fight Serunting. Akibatnya serunting menjadi orang yang sombong.Adik ipar serunting yang bernama Arya tebing ingin mengalahkan serunting.Namun ia tak tahu apa kelemahan serunting. As a result, serunting became arrogant person. Sister-in-law's sister-in-law named Arya Cliff wanted to defeat the serunting. However, she did not know what weakness serunting was. Ia pun menanyakan kelemahan serunting kepada kakaknya,yang tak lain adalah istri Serunting.Karena istri serunting sangat menyayangi Arya tebing,ia pun memberitahukan kelemahan Serunting. He also asked his sister's weaknesses to Serunting, who was none other than Serunting's wife. Because Serunting's wife was very fond of Arya Cliff, she also told of Serunting's weaknesses. Setelah mengetahui kelemahan serunti...


Deer was walking in the forest. He was about to go to thewaterfall.  kancil sedang berjalan di hutan.Ia hendak menuju air terjun.Di tengah hutan,kancul bertemu dengan siput. In the middle of the forest, kancul meets the snail. The snail runs slowly, and his face looks pale. Siput itu berjalan pelan-pelan,dan wajahnya tampak pucat . "Why are you a snail, why your face is pale?" Asked the deer.   "Kau kenapa siput,?kenapa wajahmu pucat?"tanya kancil. "I have trouble finding food, deer," complained the snail. "Aku kesulitan mencari makanan,kancil,"keluh siput.   Kancil actually wanted to help but, he did not know what to do.    Kancil sebenarnya ingin membantu tapi,ia tak tahu harus berbuat apa. He just told the snails to be patient, and assured there would be food for the snails later. Ia hanya menyuruh siput bersabar,dan meyakinkan pasti akan ada makanan untuk siput nanti.  After advising the slugs, the mouse deer went on a journe...


Serigala sedang lapar,Ia pun berjalan menyusuri hutan dengan langkah gontai.Tiba-tiba,ia bertemu dengan seekor kuda yang terjebak dalam kubangan lumpur. The wolf is hungry, he walks through the forest with unsteady steps. Suddenly, he meets a horse trapped in a mud puddle. "Ah,beruntungnya diriku.Aku akan memakan daging kuda sekarang",ucap serigala.  "Ah, how lucky I am. I'm going to eat horse meat now," said the wolf. "Kebetulan kau datang,serigala.Pasti kau ingin memakanku,bukan? "You just happened to come, wolf. Surely you want to eat me, right? Tapi,aku terjebak di dalam lumpur.Bisakah kau mengeluarkannku terlebih dahulu?"Pinta kuda I'm trapped in the mud. Can you get me out first? "begged the horse when he saw a wolf approaching him ,  Dengan senang hari,serigala mengeluarkan kuda.Setelah kuda keluar,serigala besiap menerkam kuda. With happy days, the wolf pulled out a horse. After the horse came out, the wolf pounced on the horse. ...


Di salah satu negeri,para burung hidup dengan bebas.Setiap hari,dapat dijumpai burung-burung di dalam pohon. In one country, birds live freely. Every day, birds can be found in trees. Diantara burung-burung itu,terdapat salah satu burung langka,yaitu angsa putih. Among the birds, there is one of the rare birds, the white swan. Angsa putih hanya ada satu di negeri itu.Angsa itu sangat anggun,bulunya putih bersih.Namun karena hanya ada satu,angsa itu sulit untuk ditemukanHanya orang beruntunglah yang bisa menemukannya. There is only one white goose in the country. The goose is very elegant, the feathers are pure white. But because there is only one, the swan is hard to find. Only lucky people can find it. Berita tentang keanggunan angsa itu terdengar sampai ke istana.Ratu jadi penasaran dengan angsa itu,ia ingin melihat dan memiliki angsa putih itu. News of the swan's elegance was heard up to the palace. The queen became curious about the swan, she wanted to see and own the white swa...


Ada seorang pemuda yang sangat miskin.Ia tak memiliki pekerjaan.Suatu ketika saudagar kaya yang baik hati mengangkat pemuda itu sebagai  There was a young man who was very poor. He didn't have a job. When a wealthy merchant who was kind-hearted picked him up as a man pembantunya.Kini,kehidupan pemuda itu menjadi leboh baikPemuda itu tak lagi kekurangan makanan.Bajunya pun sudah bagus.Ia bahkan tak tampak sebagai pembantu. the maid. Now, the young man's life is getting better. The young man is no longer short of food. The food is good. He doesn't even appear to be a maid. Suatu hari,si saudagar mendapat undangan jamuan makan malam di istana.Ia ingin tampil dengan pakaian baru.Si saudagar pun menyuruh si pemuda untuk memintal kapas. One day, the merchant got an invitation to a dinner at the palace. He wanted to appear in new clothes. The merchant also told the young man to spin cotton. "Pintal kapas ini menjadi kain.Aku akan menggunakan baju dari kapas untuk jamuan di ke...


setelah di usir oleh ibunya,Bawang tinggal di rumah neneknya.Namun kini Bawang memiliki baju dan perhiasan yang amat cantik.Ia seperti seorang putri raja. after being kicked out by his mother, Bawang lives in his grandmother's house. But now Bawang has very beautiful clothes and jewelery. He is like a princess. Suatu hari,kesuma mengunjungi rumah neneknya.Melihat penampilan Bawang yang berubah,kesuma menjadi iri.Ia pun meminta Bawang untuk menceritakan semuanya. One day, kesuma visited his grandmother's house. Seeing Bawang's changing appearance, kesuma became jealous. He also asked Bawang to tell him everything . Tanpa rasa curiga,Bawang bercerita kepada kesuna dengan jujur. Kesuna langsung pulang kerumah.Ia meminta ibunya untuk memarahinya dan mengusirnya dari rumah.Ibu pun marah besar kepada kesuna. Without suspicion, Bawang told honestly to Kesuna. Kesuna went straight home. She asked her mother to scold her and kick her out of the house. Mother was furious with Kesuna ...


Bawang di usir ibunya dari rumah.Ia pun berlari ke hutan sambil menangis.Sungguh,hatinya sangat sedih karena difitnah adiknya. Onion was kicked out by her mother from home. She ran to the forest while crying. Really, her heart was very sad because she was slandered by her sister Saat sedang menangis Bawang melihat seekor burung emas sedang bertengger di pohon.Bawang langsung memanggil burung itu. When he was crying Bawang saw a golden bird perched on a tree. Onions immediately called the bird. "Hai,burung patuklah aku biar aku mati,"pinta Bawang. Burung itu langsung mematuk Bawang.Tiba-tiba muncul mahkota emas di kepala Bawang.Bawang menjadi sangat heran. The bird immediately pecked onions. Suddenly a golden crown appeared on Bawang's head. Onions became very surprised. Tapi,ia tak menyerah.Ia kembali meminta burung untuk mematuk tubuhnya. but, he did not give up. He again asked the bird to peck his body. Olala,bukannya terluka tapi baju yang dipakai Bawang berubah menjad...


Di sebuah desa,hidupkah sepasang suami istri.Mereka bekerja sebagai petani.Mereka memiliki dua orang putri. In a village, there lived a married couple. They worked as farmers. They had two daughters. Putri yang pertama bernama bawang ,sedangkan adiknya bernama kesuna.Namun,dua saudara itu memiliki watak yang berbeda.Bawang sangat rajin membantu ibunya,sedangkan kesuma sangat malas. The first daughter was named onion, while her sister was called kesuna. However, the two siblings had different characters. Onions were very diligent in helping their mothers, while kesuma was very lazy . Suatu pagi,sebelum pergi ke pasar,sang ibu menyuruh bawang dan kesuna untuk menumbuk padi.Padi itu sudah harus menjadi nasi saat ia pulang. One morning, before going to the market, the mother told the onions and kesuna to pound rice. The rice had to become rice when he returned "Bantu kakakmu,Kesuna,"pinta ibunya. Kesuna mengangguk,pura-pura mengiyakan perintah ibunya.Saat ibunya pergi,Bawang memi...


Suatu ketika,seorang kakek tua sedang mencari kayu bakar di hutan.Persediaan kayu bakar di rumahnya telah habis.Jika ia tak mempunyai kayu bakar,ia tak dapat memasak. One time, an old man was looking for firewood in the forest. The supply of firewood in his house had run out. If he did not have firewood, he could not cook. Hutan sangat sepi kala itu.Kakek tua pun bergegas mengumpulkan kayu bakar.Tiba-tiba ia melihat sebuah kayu kering di atas pohon.Ia ingin mengambil kayu itu,tapi ia bingung. The forest was very quiet at that time. The old grandfather rushed to collect firewood. Suddenly he saw a dry wood in the tree. He wanted to take the wood, but he was confused. "Apakah aku harus mengambil kayu itu?Tapi bagaimana caranya?"gumam kakek tua.Kakek tua itu terus berfikir. "Do I have to take the wood? But how?" Murmured the old grandfather. The old grandfather kept thinking. "Tapi pasti memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk naik ke atas pohon.Belum lagi kalau aku terp...


Dahulu kala,hiduplah seekor beruang di sebuah hutan yang sangat subur.Suatu hari,si beruang sedang berjalan menyusuri tepian danau yang ada di hutan tersebut.Ia sangat kelaparan dan bermaksud mencari makanan kegemarannya yaitu madu. Once upon a time, there lived a bear in a very fertile forest. One day, the bear was walking along the edge of a lake in the forest. He was very hungry and intended to find his favorite food Beberapa lama kemudian,beruang melihat sarang lebah yang ada di lubang sebuah pohon sebuah pohon tumbang di dekat danau.Dengan penuh kewaspadaan dan kehati-hatian,beruang pun mendekati sarang lebah tersebut. Some time later, the bear saw a beehive in the hole of a fallen tree near the lake. With full vigilance and caution, the bear approached the honeycomb Beruang mulai mengendus -endus dengan hati-hati disekitar pohon tumbang tesebut untuk mencari tahu apakah lebah ada di dalam sarang itu. The bear starts sniffing carefully around the fallen tree to find out if the bee...


Ada seoranggadis kecil yang hanya tinggal bersama ibunya.Suatu hari,ia sedang bersedih.Sudah beberapa hari ini ibunya sakit. There was a little girl who only lived with her mother. One day, she was sad. For a few days her mother was sick. Ia ingin membelikan sesuatu untuk ibunya.Mungkin buah kesukaan ibunya,tau mungkin selimut baru agar ibunya tidak kedinginan.Tapi,gadis kecil itu tidak memiliki uang.Ia bingung harus berbuat apa. He wants to buy something for his mother. Maybe his mother's favorite fruit, know maybe a new blanket so that her mother is not cold. But, the little girl has no money. She is confused what to do. "Ya Tuhan,apa yang harus aku lakukan? Andai aku bisa membelikan buah kesukaan ibu,pasti ibu akan sangat senang,"doa gadis itu sambil berurai air mata. "Dear God, what should I do? If I could buy my mother's favorite fruit, surely she would be very happy, "the girl prayed in tears . Gadis kecil itu berfikir.Jika ia terus berada di rumah,ia ...