         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Ada seorang pemuda yang sangat miskin.Ia tak memiliki pekerjaan.Suatu ketika saudagar kaya yang baik hati mengangkat pemuda itu sebagai 
There was a young man who was very poor. He didn't have a job. When a wealthy merchant who was kind-hearted picked him up as a man
pembantunya.Kini,kehidupan pemuda itu menjadi leboh baikPemuda itu tak lagi kekurangan makanan.Bajunya pun sudah bagus.Ia bahkan tak tampak sebagai pembantu.
the maid. Now, the young man's life is getting better. The young man is no longer short of food. The food is good. He doesn't even appear to be a maid.
Suatu hari,si saudagar mendapat undangan jamuan makan malam di istana.Ia ingin tampil dengan pakaian baru.Si saudagar pun menyuruh si pemuda untuk memintal kapas.
One day, the merchant got an invitation to a dinner at the palace. He wanted to appear in new clothes. The merchant also told the young man to spin cotton.
"Pintal kapas ini menjadi kain.Aku akan menggunakan baju dari kapas untuk jamuan di kerajaan,"pinta si saudagar.
"This cotton spinning becomes cloth. I will use cotton clothes for banquets in the kingdom," pleaded the merchant.
Awalnya si pemuda mengerjakan perintah saudagar dengan giat.Namun,lama kelamaan,munculah sikap aslinya yang pemalas.
Initially the young man worked the merchant's orders diligently. However, over time, his original attitude was lazy
Saat saudagar pergi bekerja,pemuda itu justru bermalas-malasan dirumah.Alhasil pekerjaannya tak kunjung selesai.
When the merchant went to work, the young man would be lazing around at home. As a result, the work was never finished.
Alangkah kagetnya saudagar begitu pulang melihat kapas-kapasnya masih utuh.Ia berusaha bersabar dan memaafkan pemuda itu.
How shocked the merchant came home to see the cotton were still intact. He tried to be patient and forgive the young man.
"Kau harus bekerja lebih giat lagi,agar pekerjaanmu cepat selesai.Aku akan menggunakan pakaian dari kapas itupada hari minggu besok,'perintah si saudagar.
"You must work even harder, so that your work is finished quickly. I will use the cotton clothes on Sunday tomorrow," the merchant ordered.
mendengar perintah itu,si pemuda justru menjadi kesal.Ia pun memutar akal supaya pakaian saudagar cepat selesai.
hearing the command, the young man would become annoyed. He then twisted his mind so that the merchant's clothes would be finished quickly.
"Aha!pakaian dari kulit pohon tak kalah bagus dengan pakaian dari kapas.Bahkan lebih kuat.Aku akan membuatkan saudagar pakaian dari kulit pohon saja.,"pikir si pemuda.
"Aha! Clothes from tree bark are no less good than clothes from cotton. Even stronger. I will make merchants clothes from tree bark," thought the young man.
Pakaian dari kulit pohon memang kuat dan mudah dibuat.Tak perlu waktu lama,ia sudah selesai membuat
pakaian dari kulit pohon.
Clothing from tree bark is strong and easy to make. It doesn't take long, it has finished making
clothes from tree bark
Betapa terkejutnya si saudagar begitu ia memeriksa pekerjaan si pemuda.Bukannya baju ari kapas yang ia temui,malah baju dari kulit pohon yang ia dapatkan.Saudagar pun marah.
How shocked the merchant was when he checked the young man's work. Not the cotton clothes he met, even the clothes from the bark he got. Saudagar was angry.
"Bukankah baju dari kulit pohon lebih kuat,tuan?"bela si pemuda.
"Kalau begitu pakailah sendiri dan pergi dari sini!"
usir si saudagar.
"Aren't clothes from tree bark stronger, sir?" Defended the young man.
"Then wear it yourself and leave here!" 
get rid of the merchant.
Si pemuda pun memakai baju itu dan pergi dari rumah saudagar.Pakaian dari kulit pohon memang kuat,tapi ternyata tidak senyaman dari kapas.
The young man wore the clothes and left the merchant's house. The clothes from the tree bark were strong, but they were not as comfortable as cotton.
Seketika si pemuda menyadari kesalahannya.Saudagar ingin merasa nyaman saat jamuan kerajaan itu,makanya suadagar menginginkan pakaian dari kapas.
Instantly the young man realized his mistake. Saudagar wanted to feel comfortable during the royal banquet, so Suadagar wanted cotton clothing.
Pemuda itu pun menyadari kesalahannya.Ah,akibat kemalasannya,sekarang ia kembali tak memiliki pekerjaan.
The young man also realized his mistake. Ah, due to his laziness, now he was back without a job.


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