         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

Tickle ticks

story for kidsOn a sunny day the sun shines so beautifully.
Pada suatu hari yang cerah matahari bersiinar begitu indahnya.
The sound of roosters also made the morning atmosphere more cheerful.
Suara ayam jantan pun membut suasana pagi menjadi lebih ceria. 
 The inhabitants of the earth looked like they were doing activities as usual.
Orang-orang penghuni bumi tampak beraktivitas seperti biasanya.
Some go to the fields to hoe. Some go to sunnga to wash clothes or fish. 
Ada yang pergi ke sawah untuk mencangkul.Ada yang pergi ke sunngai untuk mencuci baju atau memancing.
But on the cloud the goddess Nirantali looked very moody. She was looking sad while looking down. Yes, she saw all the people who were doing activities.
Namun di atas awan dewi Nirantali  terlihat sangat murung.Ia sedang tampak bersedih sambil melihat ke bawah.Ya,ia melihat semua orang yang sedang beraktifitas.
Nirantali's mother, who saw her daughter being sad, looked very anxious.
Ibunda Nirantali yang melihat putrinya sedang bersedih put terlihat sangat cemas.
This is the first time his daughter is like that.
 Baru kali ini putrinya seperti itu.
"Wahhai, my daughter, what makes you sad? Do you want something? Just tell your mother that your mother will obey," said the queen.
 "Wahhai putriku ,apa yang membuatmu bersedih?Apa kkau sedang memnginginkan sesuatu?Katakan saja kepada ibunda pasti akan ibunda turuti,"ujar ratu.
 "I'm thinking of a mother's human," said the goddess Nirantali, sad.
 "Aku sedang memikirkan manusia ibunda,'sahut dewi Nirantali,sedih.
"Why, don't they live happily down there? Ask the queen confused.
"Kenapa,bukankh mereka hidup bahagia di bawah sana?Tanya sang ratu bingung. 
 "Looks like no, look at the mother how bleak life is on earth ... There is no one laughing. They sit and only occasionally greet each other. When they chat they are only rice fields,"
' river or their work.
 "Sepertinya tidak ,lihatlah ibunda betapa suramnnya keidupan di bumi..Disana tidak ada yang tertawa.Mereka duduk dan hanya sesekali menyapa satu sama lain.Saat mereka mengobrol mereka hanya mmebahas sawah,sungai atau pekerjaan mereka.
It's boring, "answered Nirantali, depressed.
Sungguh membosankan,"jawab Dewi Nirantali,murung.
The queen nodded understanding, because the queen also thought the same. Queen then thought how to make the world a pleasant place.
Ratu mengangguk mengerti,karena ratu juga berfikiran sama.Ratu kemudian berfikir bagaimana membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang menyenangkan.
 The Queen also made an idea. Not long after the Queen had been busy creating tickling ticks from candles. She even made it in large quantities. What for?
 Ratu pun membuat ide.Tak lama kemudian Ratu sudahh sibuk menciptakan kutu penggelitik dari lilin.Ia bahkan membuatnya dalam jumlah banyak.Wah untuk apa ya?
 "You have a very important task. You must make this world a pleasant place and make everyone cheerful," ordered the queen to tickling ticks.
"Kalian memmpunyai tugas yang sangat penting.Kalian harus membuat dunia ini menjadi tempat yang menyenangkan dan membuat semua orang ceria,"perintah ratu kepada kutu penggelitik.
Tickling ticks then descend to the earth. Then they stick to the skin of old England. Man suddenly laughs. Apparently they are amused by the fleas.
Kutu penggelitik kemudian turun ke bumi.Kemudian mereka menempel pada kulit kanusia.Olala,tiba-tiba manusia tertawa,Rupnya mereka geli dengan kutu-kutu itu.
A few days later, Dewi Nirantali saw children laughing out loud. Men and adult women laughed. Dewi Nirantali was confused to see him.
 Beberapa hari kemudian,Dewi Nirantali melihat anak-anak yang tertawa terbahak-bahak .Lelaki dan wanita dewasa ikut tertawa.Dewi Nirantali pun bingung melihatnya.
 "Look now humans are all laughing. They look more cheerful right? So the mother asks you not to be available again," said the queen.
"Lihatlah sekarang manusia semua tertawa.Mereka terlihat lebih ceria kan?Jadi ibunda minta kau tidak bersedi lagi,"ujar sang ratu.

But the goddess Nilantali was confused. Queen then explained that ticks tickled her creation.has made humans cheerful. Dewi Nirantali also hugged his mother with happiness.
Namun dewi Nilantali msih bingung.Ratu lalu menjelaskan bahwa kutu-kutu penggelitik ciptaannya. telah membuat manusia ceria.Dewi Nirantali pun memeluk ibunya dengan penuh kebahagiaan.

Moral message
Making friends laugh is also worship, you know. You will definitely be loved by many friends if you can make your friends laugh.

Pesan moral
Membuat teman tertawa juga merupakan ibadah,lho.Kau juga pasti akan disukai banyak teman jika mampu membuat teman-teman kamu tertawa.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.



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