         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Serigala sedang lapar,Ia pun berjalan menyusuri hutan dengan langkah gontai.Tiba-tiba,ia bertemu dengan seekor kuda yang terjebak dalam kubangan lumpur.
The wolf is hungry, he walks through the forest with unsteady steps. Suddenly, he meets a horse trapped in a mud puddle.
"Ah,beruntungnya diriku.Aku akan memakan daging kuda sekarang",ucap serigala. 
"Ah, how lucky I am. I'm going to eat horse meat now," said the wolf.
"Kebetulan kau datang,serigala.Pasti kau ingin memakanku,bukan?
"You just happened to come, wolf. Surely you want to eat me, right?
Tapi,aku terjebak di dalam lumpur.Bisakah kau mengeluarkannku terlebih dahulu?"Pinta kuda
I'm trapped in the mud. Can you get me out first? "begged the horse when he saw a wolf approaching him
Dengan senang hari,serigala mengeluarkan kuda.Setelah kuda keluar,serigala besiap menerkam kuda.
With happy days, the wolf pulled out a horse. After the horse came out, the wolf pounced on the horse.
"Tunggu dulu,serigala.Apakah kau mau memakan dagingku yang kotor?Lebih baik aku bersihkan diriku dulu,agar dagingku lebih nikmat,"usul kuda.
"Wait a minute, wolf. Do you want to eat my dirty flesh? I'd better clean myself first, so that my flesh is more enjoyable," suggested the horse.
Tentu saja serigala tidak keberatan.Ia menemani kuda membersihkan diri di sungai.Setelah kuda bersih,serigala siap memangsa kuda.
Of course the wolf doesn't mind. He accompanies the horse cleaning himself in the river. After the horse is clean, the wolf is ready to prey on the horse.
Namun,lagi-lagi kuda menghetiknnya."Tunggu,serigala.Apakah kau ingin memakanku beserta sepatuku?Sebaiknya lepaskan dulu sepaatuku,"pinta kuda.
However, again the horse chopped him. "Wait, wolf. Do you want to eat me and my shoes? You should take off my shoes first," begged the horse.
Serigala pun setuju.Saat ia hendak menunduk akan melepas sepatu kuda,tiba-tiba......Buk!
Olala,kuda justru menendang srigala sampai pingsan.
The wolf agreed. When he was about to look down he would take off the horseshoe, suddenly ... Buk!
Olala, the horse just kicked the wolf until he passed out.
Ia pun langsung berlari meninggalkan serigala.Tak selang beberapa lama,serigala terbangun.Betapa geramnya ia,karena tak menemukan kuda dimana-mana.Karena hari itu sudah hampir petang,akhirnya serigala memutuskan untuk pulang.
He immediately ran away leaving the wolf. Not long after a while, the wolf woke up. How angry he was, because he could not find a horse anywhere. Because that day was almost evening, finally the wolf decided to go home.
Di tenga jalan,ia bertemu ibu domba.Munculah niat serigala untuk memangsanya."Apakah kau ingin memangsaku,serigala?tanya ibu domba."Benar sekali perutku sudah sangat lapar,"jawab serigala.
In the middle of the road, he met the mother of a sheep. The wolf's intention was to eat it. "Do you want to eat me, wolf? Asked the mother of sheep." It's true my stomach is very hungry, "answered the wolf.
"Jangan memangsaku di sini.Nanti kau ketahuan manusia,"saran ibu domba.
Benar juga kata ibu domba.Serigala pun setuju dengan usulan ibu domba.
Don't eat me here. You will be caught by humans," suggested the mother of sheep.
True also the word mother lamb. Wolf also agreed with the mother lamb proposal.
"Agar kau tak kelelahan,lebih baik kau naik ke punggungku,"usul ibu domba.Sungguh senang hati serigala.Ia pun naik ke punggung ibu domba.
"So that you do not get tired, you better get on my back," suggested the mother of sheep. Really happy wolf. He also climbed onto the back of the mother of sheep.
Olala,karena terlalu nyaman di punggung ibu domba,serigala pun tertidur.Alangkah terkejutnya serigala saat ia bangun ia sudah di kepung oleh penduduk.
Olala, because it is too comfortable on the back of the mother of a sheep, the wolf falls asleep. How shocked the wolf when he woke up he was surrounded by residents.
Rupanya,ibu domba membawanya ke pemukiman penduduk.Sekarang,serigala tinggal menunggu nasib,apa yang akan dilakukan manusia kepadanya."Bodohnya diriku.Mengapa aku bisa dikelabuhi oleh mangsaku sendiri?"gerutu serigala.
Apparently, the mother of the sheep took him to the settlement. Now, the wolf is just waiting for his fate, what humans will do to him. "Stupid me. Why can I be deceived by my own prey?"

pesan moral
Kawan,rajinlah belajar agar menjadi anak yang pintar dan menjadi anak yang tidak mudah di kelabuhi orang lain.
Friends, study hard to be a smart kid and be a child who is not easily fooled by others.


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