         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


enhlish short story for kids dan artinya        Seventeent years had passed.Princess Aurora to be a beautiful girl and kind.All people who see the princess will surely fall in love with her.But this did not make the king and the queen happy.
they were still worried about the curse that befell their daughter.
        one day, the aurora princess went to a house. there ,she saw a grandmother spinning a shirt. The first time she saw a spinning needle. did you know that the grandmother was actually a fairy who once cursed an aurora princess.
        " can I learn spinning from you, grandmother? for life, this is the first time I see spinning needles," said aurora princess.
      The grandmother was immediately handed the spinner shirt and needle to the aurora princess.but all of a sudden, auww! aurora princess finger punctured a needle. as she fell and slept.     
        "hahaha! finally my curse is successful too, "laugh evil fair the kings and queens who knew it were very sad. The people also grieved. The curse proved to befall them too. Like their aurora daughters fell asleep.
        A thousand years later, there was a prince who was wandering. The prince's coincidence passed through an old-looking kingdom. The kingdom seemed to be filled with wild trees.
       "I do not think in the forest there is kingdom. But this kingdom looks dead, "said the prince while tracing the kingdom       
       The prince then went into the palace.right there a lot of humans who fell asleep.The prince wonder with what he saw.then he saw a beautiful woman who was asleep        
         " she must be a princess, very beautiful," prince said.   
      Yes ,prince fell in love with princess aurora.good magic also happened.princess Aurora woke up and all the people that country also woke up.and whole palace turned into beautiful again .it turns out the prince is the true love of aurora princess.
        Princess aurora and prince was married. they celebrate with full of happiness.The king and queen are also very happy with the return of princess aurora.

        Tujuh belas tahun berlalu,putri Aurora tumbuh menjadi putri yang cantik dan baik hati.Semua orang yang melihat putri Aurora Pasti akan jatuh cinta kepadanya.Namun hal itu tidak membuat raja dan ratu tidak bahagia.Mereka masih cemas dengan kutukan yang menimpa putri mereka.
     Suatu hari putri Aurora pergi ke sebuah rumah.rumah itu terletak tidak jauh dari istana.Disana ia melihat ada seorang nenek yang sedang memintal baju.Baru kali ini ia melihat jarum pintal.Tahukah kalian?Nenek itu sebenarnya adalah peri yang dulu mengutuk putri Aurora.
    " Bolehkah aku belajar memintal darimu ,nek?seumur hidup barukali ini aku melihat jarum pemintal,"ujar putri aurora.
     Nenek itu pun langsung memberikan baju dan jarum pemintal kepada putri Aurora.Tapi tiba-tiba....
    Auww!jari putri Aurora tertusuk jarum dan seketika itu putri langsung terjatuh dan tertidur.
     Raja dan ratu yang mengetahui hal itu menjadi amat sedih .Rakyat juga ikut bersedih.Olala,ternyata kutukan itu juga menimpa mereka.Seperti putri aurora mereka pun tertidur.
     Seribu tahun kemudian ada seorang pangeran yang mengembara.Kebetulan pangeran itu melewati sebuah kerajaan yang kelihatan tua.kerajaan itu tampak dipenuhi pepohonan liar.
     "Aku tak menyangka di dalam hutan belantara sepeti ini ada sebuah kerajaan.tapi kerajaan itu terlihat mati,"ujar pangeran sammbil menelusuri hutan itu,
     Pangeran lalu masuk kedalam istana.Benar saja disana banyak manusia yang tertidur.Pangeran heran dengan apa yng dilihatnya.Kemudian ia juga melihat seorang pperempuan cantik yang juga sedang tertidur.
      "Pastila ia adalah seorang putri,cantik sekali.ucap pangeran.
Ya!Pangeran jatuh cinta kepada putri Aurora.Keajaiban pun terjadi.Putri aurora terbangun.Rakyat negri itu pun terbangun dan seluruh istana itu berubah menjadi indah sekali.Ternyata pangeran itu adalah cinta sejati putri Aurora.
      Putri Aurora dan pangeran pun menikah.Mereka merayakan dengan penuhkebahagiaan.Raja dan ratu juga sangat bahagia dengan kembalunya putri Aurora.

Pesan moral:
Jangan suka menyakiti orang lain.Buatlah orang yang ada di sekitarmu bahagia. 
Don't like to hurt others. Make the people around you happy.


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