         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Di kerajaan majapahit,ada seorang yang sakti mandraguna bernama Serunting.Tak ada yang berani melawan serunting.
In the kingdom of Majapahit, there was a powerful mandraguna named Serunting. No one dared to fight Serunting.
Akibatnya serunting menjadi orang yang sombong.Adik ipar serunting yang bernama Arya tebing ingin mengalahkan serunting.Namun ia tak tahu apa kelemahan serunting.
As a result, serunting became arrogant person. Sister-in-law's sister-in-law named Arya Cliff wanted to defeat the serunting. However, she did not know what weakness serunting was.
Ia pun menanyakan kelemahan serunting kepada kakaknya,yang tak lain adalah istri Serunting.Karena istri serunting sangat menyayangi Arya tebing,ia pun memberitahukan kelemahan Serunting.
He also asked his sister's weaknesses to Serunting, who was none other than Serunting's wife. Because Serunting's wife was very fond of Arya Cliff, she also told of Serunting's weaknesses.
Setelah mengetahui kelemahan serunting,Arya tebing menantang Serunting.Mereka beradu kekuatan.Tentu saja,dengan mudah Arya tebing mengalahkan kakaknya itu.Serunting yang terluka,berlari mengsingkan diri ke gunung siguntang.
After knowing the weakness of the serunting, Arya cliff challenged Serunting. They clashed with strength. Of course, Arya cliff easily defeated her brother. The wounded scissors ran ran into the mountain siguntang.
Di tempat pengasingan,Serunting memohon kepada tuhan agar ia diberi kekuatan.Ia berdoa tanpa kenal lelah.Suatu hari,Serunting keluar dari tempat pengasingannya.Ia berjalan-jalan di sebuah desa.Saat melihat hamparan sawah,munculah ide dibenak Serunting.
In the place of exile, Serunting begged God to give him strength. He prayed tirelessly. One day, Serunting came out of his place of exile. He walked around in a village. When he saw the rice fields, an idea came to mind
"Mengapa kalian menanam batu di sawah?"tanya Serunting
Para petani heran.Mereka tidak menanam batu,tapi padilah yang mereka tanamAjaib!Tiba -tiba,padi di sawah berubah menjadi batu.Seketika ,semua penduduk ketakutan dan tak ada yang berani melawan serunting.
"Why are you planting stones in the fields?" Asked Serunting
The farmers were astonished. They did not plant stones, but they were planting miraculously! Suddenly, rice in the rice fields turned to stone. Instantly, all the inhabitants were scared and no one dared to oppose the serunting.
Mereka pun menjuluki Serunting dengan sebutan Si pahit lidah.Semakin lama,kesaktian si pahit lidah semakin terkenal.
Kesaktian Si pahit lidah terdengar oleh pendekar sakti dari india bernama Si mata empat.Si Mata empat pun mendatangi si pahit lidah untuk beradu kekuatan.Berhari-hari mereka berdu kekuatan,amun tak ada satupun yang menang.Hal itu membuat penduduk resah.
They also dubbed Serunting as the bitter tongue. The longer, the magic of the bitter tongue is increasingly famous.
The magic of the bitter tongue is heard by magic warriors from India named the four eyes. The four eyes come to the bitter tongue to compete for strength. Everyday they have strength, amun no one wins.
"Jika mereka terus berkelahi mereka bisa mendatangkan petaka di desa ini,"ucap salah satu penduduk.
"Kita harus menghentikan mereka,"balas penduduk yang lain.Setelah cukup lama berfikir,para penduduk sepakat untuk melakukan sesuatu.
"If they keep fighting they can wreak havoc in this village," said one resident.
"We must stop them," replied the other residents. After a long time of thinking, the residents agreed to do something.
Penduduk memberikan buah aren kepada Si Pahit lidah dan Si Mata Empat
"Jika kau bisa memakan buah ini,maka kaulah yang paling sakti,"tantang salah satu penduduk.
"Akulah pendekar paling sakti!"Ucap si pahit lidah dengan sombong.
Residents give sugar palm fruit to the bitter tongue and the Four Eyes
"If you can eat this fruit, then you are the most powerful," challenged one resident.
"I am the most powerful warrior!" Said the bitter tongue arrogantly.
Tanpa pikir panjang,Si pahit lidah,menggigit buah aren itu.Olala,Si pahit lidah tewas seketika.
"Hahaha!Buah sekecil itu bisa membuatmu tewas,"ucap si mata empat dengan tak kalah sombongnya.
Without thinking, the bitter tongue, biting the palm fruit. Olala, the bitter tongue was killed instantly.
"Hahaha! That small fruit can make you die," said the four-eyed, no less arrogant.
Tapi si mata empat juga merasa penasaran,ia pun memakan buah aren yang di pegangnya.Sama seperti Si Pahit Lidah,Si Mata empat tewas.Ya!Kedua pendekar sakti itu meninggal,karena kesombongan mereka sendiri,mereka pun dimakamkan di Danau Ranau.
But the four eyes also felt curious, he also ate the palm fruit he held. Just like the bitter tongue, the four eyes were killed. Yes! The two powerful warriors died, because of their own arrogance, they were buried in Lake Ranau.

pesan moral
Kawan,jangan sombong,ya.Semua yang kita miliki akan sia-sia,jika kita menyombongkan diri.
Friend, don't be arrogant, yeah. Everything we have will be in vain, if we brag.


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