         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Malam ini adalah malam yang paling membahagiakan bagi Maui.Ya!Ia telah menemukan keluarganya.
Tonight is the happiest night for Maui. Yes! He has found his family.
Taranga juga sangat sangat gembira,karena tidak menyangka bisa bertemu dengan maui.Apalagi,sekarang Ma
ui sudah berubah menjadi anak yang kuat.
Taranga is also very very happy, because she did not expect to meet with maui. Moreover, now Maui has turned into a strong child.
Tangara pun mencurahkan kasih sayangnya kepada Maui.Tanpa disadari,keempat saudara laki-laki Maui merasa tersisish dengan kehadiran maui Mereka iri dengan kasih sayang ibu mereka untuk Maui.
Tangara also expressed her love for Maui. Without realizing it, the four Maui brothers felt left out of their presence. They were jealous of their mother's love for Maui.
"Kita harus mencari cara untuk membuat ibu berfikir bahwa Maui adalah anak yang malas.Besok pagi,kita pergi memancing sebelum Maui bangun.Dengan demikian,ibu bisa tahu bahwa kita adalah anak yang rajin,"ujar si sulung.Adik-adiknya pun mengiyakan.
"We have to find a way to make mom think that Maui is a lazy child. Tomorrow morning, we go fishing before Maui wakes up. Thus, mom can know that we are diligent children," said the eldest. His younger siblings also said yes.
Maka,ketika fajar tiba,mereka berempat berangkat  untuk memancing dengan menggunakan kano.Olala,betapa terkejutnya mereka ketika mendapati Maui sudah ada di dalam kano.
So, when dawn arrived, the four of them left for fishing using the canoe. Olala, how surprised they were to find Maui already in a canoe.
Mereka tidak tahu jika maui bisa mengetahui apa yang orang lain pikirkan.Ya!Maui sudah mengetahui rencana kakak-kakaknya.
They don't know if they want to know what other people think. Yes! Maui already knows the plans of her siblings.
"Gagal sudah rencanaku,"batin si sulung.Maui yang mengetahui apa yang dipikirkan kakaknya itu,hanya tersenyum.Mereka berlima mulai memancing.Sudah berjam-jam mereka terombang-ambing di lautan,namun belum ada satu ikan satu yang mereka dapaatkan.
"Failed is my plan," thought the eldest. Knowing what his sister thought, only smiled. The five of them began fishing. For hours they were adrift in the ocean, but there was not a single fish that they got.
"Dayung lebih jauh,aku akan menangkap ikan disana,"kata maui.Kakak-kakaknya pun mulai mendayung.
"Oars farther away, I will catch fish there," said maui. Her siblings began to row.
Maui mulai mengikat mata kail ajaibnya di senar panjang.Dengan hati-hati,ia menjatuhkannya di samping kano.Sudah agak lama,tapi belum ada ikan yang di dapat oleh maui,kakak-kakaknya pun mengejeknya.
Maui began to tie the eye of her magic hook on the long string. Carefully, she dropped it to the side of the canoe. It's been a while, but there isn't any fish that she wants, her siblings mock her.
Tiba-tiba,maui berteriak.
"Bantu aku menarik!Ada tarikan keras di senar ini,"seru Maui.
Suddenly, I want to scream.
"Help me pull! There's a hard pull on this string," Maui exclaimed.
Kelima kakak beradik itu pun menarik senar bersama-sama.Tapi,senar itu terasa berat.Mereka sangat senang.Mereka berfikir,pasti itu adalah ikan yang besar.
The five siblings pulled the strings together. But, the strings felt heavy. They were very happy. They thought, surely it was a big fish.
Namun,dugaan mereka salah.Maui tidak menangkap seekor ikan pun.Ia justru malah memancing pulau.Olala,pulau itu sangat indah dan menakjubkan.
However, their allegations were wrong. You didn't even catch a fish. He instead lured the island. Olala, the island was very beautiful and amazing.
Mereka berlima lalu mendarat di pulau tersebut.Keempat kakak Maui saling berebut,hingga akhirnya pulau tersebut terbelah menjadi dua.Karena takut,keempat kakak Maui pergi dari pulau itu dengan menggunakan kano.Sementara itu,Maui tinggal di pulau tersebut seorang diri.
The five of them landed on the island. The four Maui brothers fought each other, until finally the island was split into two. For fear, the four Maui brothers left the island by using a canoe. Meanwhile, Maui lived on the island alone.
Lama-kelamaan pulau itu ramai dengan penduduk yan berdatangan.Sekarang,pulau itu terkenal dengan nama Selandia Baru.
Eventually the island was crowded with residents who arrived. Now, the island is known by the name of New Zealand.

Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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