         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a herd of elephants didn't care.The think the ants were small animals.A herd of elephants were continuing their eating.They were not even reluctant to destroy the


Dahulu kala,hiduplah seekor beruang di sebuah hutan yang sangat subur.Suatu hari,si beruang sedang berjalan menyusuri tepian danau yang ada di hutan tersebut.Ia sangat kelaparan dan bermaksud mencari makanan kegemarannya yaitu madu.
Once upon a time, there lived a bear in a very fertile forest. One day, the bear was walking along the edge of a lake in the forest. He was very hungry and intended to find his favorite food
Beberapa lama kemudian,beruang melihat sarang lebah yang ada di lubang sebuah pohon sebuah pohon tumbang di dekat danau.Dengan penuh kewaspadaan dan kehati-hatian,beruang pun mendekati sarang lebah tersebut.
Some time later, the bear saw a beehive in the hole of a fallen tree near the lake. With full vigilance and caution, the bear approached the honeycomb
Beruang mulai mengendus -endus dengan hati-hati disekitar pohon tumbang tesebut untuk mencari tahu apakah lebah ada di dalam sarang itu.
The bear starts sniffing carefully around the fallen tree to find out if the bee is in the nest.
Tepat ketika itu,sekumpulan kecil lebah terbang pulang membawa banyak madu.Para lebah mengetahui maksud kedatangan beruang.
Just then, a small group of bees flew home carrying a lot of honey. The bees knew the purpose of the bear.
Maka mereka pun mulai mendekati si beruang.Tanpa apapun mereka menyengat si beruang dengat sengatan yang tajam.Mendapat serangan itu,beruang pun kaget.
So they began to approach the bear. Without anything they stung the bear with a sharp sting. Got the attack, the bear was shocked.
Lantas ia mengamuk membabi buta
ta dan menyerang beruang balik kawanan lebah.Karena mendapat perlawanan dari beruang,lebah-lebah pun ketakutan.Mereka lari dan bersembunyi di balik lubang batang pohon.Sengatan pada tubuh beruang terasa sangatmenyiksa.
Then he went on a rampage blindly
and attacking bears behind a swarm of bees. Because of the resistance of the bear, the bees are frightened. They run and hide behind the trunk of the tree. The sting on the bear's body feels very torturing.
Maka beruang pun semakin marah,dan tiba-tiba ia melompat ke atas batang yang di dalamnya terdapat sarang lebah.Hal itu malah membuat kawanan lebah marah.Mereka pun keluar dari sarang dan menyerang beruang
Then the bear became even more angry, and suddenly he jumped on the trunk in which there was a beehive. It even made a flock of bees angry. They came out of the hive and attacked
Beruang akhirnya lari terbirit-birit,dengan tubuh penuh benjolan bekas sengatan lebah.Para lebaah terus mengejarnya.Beruang merasa sangat kualahan hingga akhirnya ia menyelam kedalam danau untuk menyelamatkan diri.
The bear finally ran scampering, with a body full of bumps from the bee stings. The Lebahah continued to chase him. The bear felt very defeated until he finally dived into the lake to save itself.
Hari itu beruang benar-banar sial.Bukan madu yang ia dapatkan,tapi justru sengatan lebah yang memenuhi badan mereka.
That day the bears were totally unlucky. Not the honey he got, but it was a bee sting that filled their bodies.

pesan moral
Jangan suka mengganggu orang lain.
Don't like to disturb other people.


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