         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"A naughty little prince(2)"(pangeran cilik yang usil 2)

The king's party spent the night by the river. 
 Rombongan raja bermalam di tepi sungai.
They made tents there, and will continue the hunt tomorrow.
Mereka membuat tenda disana,dan akan melanjutkan perburuan  esok hari.
 That night ,the air was very cold. 
 Malam itu udara sangat dingin.
The soldiers were shoulder-to-shoulder made a bonfire. 
Para prajurit pun bahu -membahu membuat api unggun.

Unfortunately, because it blew hard, they had trouble making bonfires.
Sayangnya ,karena angi berhembus kencang,mereka kesulitan membuat api unggun.
 "What if we can not fire a fire? we might die of cold," said one of the almost desperate soldiers.
 "Bagaimana jika kita tidak bisa mrnyalakan api unggun?bisa-bisa kita mati kedinginan,"Ucap salah satu prajurit yang hampir putus asa.
"We must not surrender. Do not let the king and the prince freeze," the other soldier replied.
 "Kita tidak boleh menyerah.Jangan sampai raja dan pangeran kedinginan,"balas prajurit yang lain.
 The soldiers struggled. After some time, the soldiers finally set fire to the fire. 
Para prajurit berjuang keras.setelah beberapa lama,akhirnya prajurit bisa menyalakan api unggun.
The king and the little princess approached the fire to warm themselves up.
Raja dan pangeran cilik pun mendekati api unggun untuk menghangatkan badan. 
 Because he did not get a quarry, the king told the soldiers to catch fish
Karena tak mendapatkan buruan ,raja menyuruh prajurit untuk menangkap ikan.
although not many fish that managed to capture the soldiers was enough to dinner all the members of the entourage .
 Meski tak banyak ikan yang berhasil ditangkap prajurit itu cukup untuk makan malam seluruh anggota rombongan.
 Group also ate grilled fish that night.
Rombongan pun menyantap ikan bakar malam itu.
 finished eating all members of the sleepy troupe.
 Selesai makan semua anggota rombongan mengantuk.
 Inside the tent was very cold, so the king and the little boy decided to sleep by the fire with the soldiers.
 Didalam tenda terasa sangat dingin,sehingga raja dan panngeran cilik memutuskan untuk tidur di dekat api unggun bersama prajurit.
Day was getting late, outside the animal's voices were heard . 
Hari semakin malam,diluar mulai terdengar suara-suara binatang.
The only thing that was owl. The unusual little princes sleeping outside the house were frightened.
Salah satunya yaitu burung hantu.Pangeran cilik yang tak biasa tidur di luar rumah pun ketakutan .
"What's that noise?" murmured the little prince. 
  "Suara apa itu?gumam pangeran cilik.
The little princess looked around him. 
 Pangeran cilik mengamati sekelilingnya.
The boys and the soldiers had fallen asleep.
Raja dan para prajurit sudah tertidur pulas.
The owl sounds again, making the little prince increasingly frightened .
Suara burung hantu terdengar lagi,membuat pangeran cilik semakin ketakutan.
Aha I have an idea for the king and the soldiers to wake up," said the little prince while smiling ignorantly
Aha aku memiliki ide agar raja dan bangun, ucap pangeran cilik sambil terbuka jahil.
the little prince woke up from his bed, then screamed very loudly.
Pangeran cilik bangun dari tempat tidurnya,lalu berteriak sangat kencang.
Please! please! fire! shout the little prince .
Tolong!tolong!kebakaran!teriak pangeran cilik.
 olala, the soldier and the sleeping king were suddenly shocked. 
 Olala,prajurit dan raja yang sedang tidur pun sontak kaget.
They woke up. The panicked warrior and saw the bonfire, immediately took water from the river
Mereka terbangun.prajurit yang panik dan melihat api unggun,segera mengambil air dari sungai.
The little prince laughed satisfiedly. But a few moments later, he regretted. 
 Pangeran cilik tertawa puas.tapi beberapa saat kemudian,ia menyesal.
But the bed had died and now he became cold. In fact, it was very difficult to light a fire. 
 Pangeran cilik tertawa puas.tapi beberapa saat kemudian,ia menyesal.
Eventually he was forced to sleep with cold
Akhirnya.malam itu ia terpaksa tidur dengan kedinginan 

Pesan moral
kawan jangan suka usil,ya karena usil hanya akan membuat kita rugi 


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