         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Putri orlin yang sedang jalan-jalan,melihat seorang amnak perempuan yang sedang mencuci pakaian di sungai.
Princess Orlin, who was walking, saw an amnak girl who was washing clothes in the river.
Dia memperhatikan anak tersebut,dan diikutilah anak itu sampai ke rumah.Ternyata anak itu hidup sendirian di gubuk di hutan.
He watched the child, and followed the boy to the house. It turned out that the child lived alone in a hut in the forest.
Hari telah sore.Putri orlin segera pulang ke istana.Sesampainya di istana,ia menceritakan perjalanannya tadi kepada dayang istana.
The day was late. Princess Orlin immediately returned to the palace. Arriving at the palace, he told his trip earlier to the palace maid.
"Aku merasa heran dengan anak itu.Dia tak punya rumah yang bagus dan hanya tinggal sendirian.Anehnya dia terlihat bahagia,kira-kira apa yang membuatnya seperti itu?"
"I was surprised by the girl. He didn't have a nice house and just lived alone. Surprisingly he looked happy, what could have made him like that?"
"Mungkin ia menyembunyikan sesuatu dirumahnya,sehingga ia selalu bahagia,"sahut dayang.
Maybe he is hiding something at home, so he is always happy, "the lady said.
Out of curiosity the next day, the daughter of Orlin returned to the girl's hut. She hid behind the trees and waited for the child to come out of her house.
Karena penasaran keesokan harinya,putri orlin kembali ke gubuk anak perempuan tersebut.Dia bersembunyi di balik pepohonan dan menunggu anak itu keluar dari rumahnya.
Out of curiosity the next day, the daughter of Orlin returned to the girl's hut. She hid behind the trees and waited for the child to come out of her house.
Namun,telah lama putri orin menunggu,anak itu belum keluar juga dari rumahnya.Akhirnya putri orlin memutuskan untuk pulang.Kaena lelah ia pun langsung tidur setelah membersihkan diri.
However, the princess had been waiting for a long time, the child had not yet come out of her house. Eventually the princess of Orlin decided to go home.
Hari masih pagi,tapi sang putri sudah bangun.Dengan segera,ia kembali kerumah anak perempuan dalam hutan.Kali ini sang putri mendekati rumah itu.
It was still morning, but the princess had woken up. Soon, she returned to the daughter's home in the forest. This time the princess approached the house.
Namun,sebelum sempat sang putri mengetuk pintu,terdengar suara yang sangat indah dari dalam rumah.Putri orlin pun mendengarkannya sampai selesai.Setelah selesai,sang putri mengetuk pintu,lalu terbukalah pintu itu.
However, before the princess could knock on the door, a very beautiful voice came from inside the house. Princess Orlin was listening to the end. When finished, the princess knocked on the door, then opened the door.
Muncullah sang anak perempuan yang telah membuat sang putri penasaran.Anak itu sangat kaget dengan kehadiran sang putri.Putri orlin pun menjelaskan maksud kedatangannya.
The daughter appeared who had made the princess curious. The boy was very surprised by the presence of the princess. Princess Orlin also explained the purpose of his arrival.
Dengan penuh kelembutan,anak itu menjelaskan apa yang membuatnya bahagia.Dia memang hidup sendirian,tapi ia selalu bahagia karena ada Tuhan yang selalu menerimanya.Ia meyakini Tuhan lebih dari apapun,sehingga hatinya menjadi nyaman dan bahagia.
With full tenderness, the child explains what makes him happy. He does live alone, but he is always happy because there is a God who always accepts it. He believes in God more than anything else, so that his heart becomes comfortable and happy.
"Tuhan selalu mencukupkan kebutuhan kita.Dengan percaya pada tuhan,kita tak akan pernah merasa kekurangan,"ucap anak perempuan itu.
"God always provides for our needs. By believing in God, we will never feel inadequate," said the girl.
Alangkah terharunya sang putri mendengar semua itu.Akhirnya,ia membawa anak ituuntuk tinggal di istana bersamanya dan dijadikan sebagai saudara.Anak itu mengajarkan putri orlin banyak kebaikan,sehingga putri orlin menjadi makin dewasa dan berbudi pekerti yang baik.
How touched the princess heard all of that. Finally, she brought the boy to live in the palace with him and made her a brother. The child taught the princess much good, so that the princess became more mature and well-mannered.

pesan moral
Selalu bersyukur dengan apa  yang Tuhan berikan.Jadilah anak yang baik.moral 
Always be grateful for what God gives. Be a good child


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