         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Sore ini,Signor Bruno pergi mengunjungi rumah kawannya,Giani.Sudah cukup lama mereka tidak bertemu.Mereka pun membicarakan banyak hal,mulai dari cuaca,pangan,hingga keluarga.Mereka saling tertawa dengan riang.
This afternoon, Signor Bruno went to visit the house of his friend, Giani. It's been a while since they met. They also talked about many things, from the weather, food, to the family. They laughed with each other cheerfully.
Namun,tiba-tiba wajah signor bruno terlihat cemas.Giani menjadi penasaran.
"Signor bruno,ada apa?sepertinya kau mengkhawatirkan sesuatu,"tanya giani.
However, suddenly the signor bruno's face looked worried. Giani became curious.
"Signor Bruno, what's up? Looks like you're worried about something," Giani asked.
"Aku memikirkan cucuku,Mario.Dia anak yang baik,tapi pemalas.Sepanjang hari,ia hanya berbaring di ranjang gantungnya dan tidak mau bekerjasama sekali.Akutidak tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan padanya,"ujar signor.
"I'm thinking about my granddaughter, Mario.He is a good kid, but lazy. All day, he just lay on his hammock and didn't want to cooperate at all. I don't know what I should do with him," the signor said.
Giani berfikir sejenak.Ia lalu memiliki sebuah ideIa pun membisikkan idenya ke signor.Seketika,wajah Signor berubah senang.Ia setuju dengan ide tersebut.
Giani thought for a moment. He then had an idea. He whispered his idea to the signor. Instantly, the signor's face turned happy. He agreed with the idea.
Keesokan harinya,Giani pergi menemui mario yang sedang tiduran di ranjang gantungnya.Ia menyapa Mario dan memberikan sebuah kertas kusut kepadanya.
The next day, Giani goes to see Mario lying in his hammock. He greets Mario and gives him a wrinkled paper.
"Aku menemukan peta tua ini,tapi sulit untuk dibaca.Sepertinya peta ini menunjukkan ada 50 keping emas yang terkubur di ladang gersang sebelah sana,"kata Giani.
"I found this old map, but it's hard to read. It looks like this map shows there are 50 pieces of gold buried in an arid field over there," said Giani.
Mendengar hal itu,Mario langsung beranjak dari ranjangnya.Ia pergi ke ladang yang gersang dan penuh dengan rumput liar.Giani lalu menyuruhnya untuk menyingkirkan semua rumput liar,agar bisa menemukan harta itu.Mario pun bergegas ke rumah untuk mengambil peralatan pertanian.Ia membersihkan semua rumput liar itu,kemudian mencangkuli tanahnya.
Hearing that, Mario immediately moved from his bed. He went to a barren field filled with weeds. Giani then told him to get rid of all the weeds, so he could find the treasure. Mario hurried to the house to get farm equipment. the weeds, then plow the soil
Tanah itu menjai berdebu saat dicangkul.Mario pun menyirami tanah itu dengan air.Melihat ada pupuk kandang,Mario mendapat ide.Ia menyebarkan pupuk kandang itu di ladang,agar tidak ada,agar tidak ada orang yang mengambil hartanya.
The land became dusty when it was hoeed. Mario watered the soil with water. Seeing manure, Mario got an idea. He spread the manure in the fields, so there was none, so no one took his property.
Mario sudah menggali seluruh ladang,Namun ia sama sekali tidak menemukan emas.Karena kelelahan,lalu ia memutuskan untuk pulang kerumah.
Mario had dug up the whole field, but he did not find gold at all. Because of fatigue, then he decided to go home.
"Mungkin aku tidak membaca peta itu dengan benar.Aku akan pergi beberapa hari untuk menemukan orang yang bisa menbaca peta itu.Jadi,kau tunggulah kabar dariku,"kata giani tiba-tiba.
"Maybe I didn't read the map correctly. I'll be gone for a few days to find someone who can read the map. So, you wait for news from me," Giani said suddenly.
Mario pun menunggu untuk waktu yang cukup lama.Hampir satu bulan lebih ia menunggu.Akhirnya giani datang.Ia meminta mario untuk pergi ke ladang bersama kakeknya,signor.Alangkah terkejutnya mario ketika melihat ladangnya penuh dengan daun selada.
Mario was waiting for quite a long time. Almost one more month he waited. Finally Giani came. He asked Mario to go to the fields with his grandfather, signor. Mario was surprised when he saw that his field was full of lettuce.
"Ini semua berkat kerja kerasmu yang telah membersihkan ladang,menyiram,memupuk,dan menggali.Aku hanya menaburkan benih saja bersama kakekmu,"kata giani.
"Harga semua selada ini adalah 50 keping emas,"timpal signor sambil tertawa.
"This is all thanks to your hard work that cleared the fields, watered, fertilized, and dug. I only sowed seeds with your grandfather," Giani said.
"The price of all this lettuce is 50 gold pieces," said the signor, laughing
Mario pun baru menyadari,bahwa 50 keping emas itu ternyata bisa ia dapatkan jika ia mau bekerja keras.Sejak saat itu,ia tidak malas lagi.The price of all this lettuce is 50 gold pieces," said the signor, laughing
Mario also realized, that he could get 50 gold pieces if he wanted to work hard. Since then, he was not lazy anymore

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