         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...

"Ant and wind"(semut dan angin)


The ant has just made his house at the top of the tree.
Semut baru saja membuat rumahnya di puncak pohon.
He felt happy and satisfied with his home.
Ia merasa senang dan puas dengan rumahnya. 
"finally finished too. Who said, ants should not make a house at the top of the tree?" said the ant with arrogance.
"Akhirnya selesai juga.Siapa bilang,semut tak boleh membuat membuat rumah di puncak pohon?"ucap semut dengan sombong.
ants were deliberately making a house at the top of the tree.
Semut memang sengaja membuat rumah di puncak pohon.
 It started from a herd of elephants who came to the forest.
 Hal itu bermula dari kawanan gajah yang datang ke hutan.
The house was destroyed because stepped by the elephant.
Ya,rumah hancur karena diinjak gajah.
 So his house was not trampled elephant again, the ants built a house on the top of the tree.
Agar rumahnya tak diinjak gajah lagi,semut membangun rumah di puncak pohon.
 Actually a herd of ants forbade him to build a house there.
 Sebenarnya kawanan semut sudah melarangnya membangun rumah disana.
The wind was blowing hard.It was useless build house there.
Angin sedang bertiup kencang.Percuma membangun rumah disana.
because his house could be carried by the wind.
 Karena rumah nya bisa terbawa angin.
But ants did not care.his decision already round.
 Tapi semut tak peduliKeputsannya sudah bulat
he did not want his house crushed stepped on elephant again.
Ia tak ingin rumahnya hancur diinjak gajah lagi.
when the ant was about to rest in his house, suddenly a strong wind blew.
Saat semut hendak beristirahat di rumahnya,tiba tiba angin kencang berhembus.
 olala home ants carried by the wind and destroyed instantly.
 Olala rumah semut terbawa angin dan hancur seketika.
ants felt very annoyed, he went back to build his house.
Olala rumah semut terbawa angin dan hancur seketika.
before the evening, the house was finished. but he was afraid if the wind back flew home. 
Sebelum petang,rumahnya sudah selesai.tapi ia takut jikalau angin kembali menerbangkan rumahnya. 
 "I'm going to wind up, then tell him not to blow in and ruin my house," the ants said firmly.
"Aku akan mengadang angin,lalu berkata kepadanya agar tak sembarangan berhembus dan menghancurkan rumahku,"ucap semut dengan mantap.
shortly thereafter, the wind blew harder.
 Tak lama kemudian,angin berhembus lebih kencang
Ants seemed ready to keep the wind in front of his house.
 Semut tampak sudah bersiap mengadang angin di depan rumahnya.
 But because the wind blew very fast, her very small body was carried away fly, so also home.  
Namun karena angi berhembus sangat kencang,tubuhnya yang amat kecil itu pun terbawa terbang,begitu juga dengan rumahnya.
 ants regret it. if he heard his friend's advice, maybe he need not bother to build a house just for the wind. 
Semut pun menyesal.seandainya ia mendengar nasehat kawannya,mungkin ia tak perlu repot repot membangun rumah hanya untuk diterbangkan angin.
He would not have participated in the wind either.
Dirinya pasti juga tak akan turut diterbangakan angin.

pesan moral
kawan,seseorang memberi nasehat,pasti demi kebaikan kita pula.dengarkan nasehat orang orang di sekitar kita .
Thank for reading STORY FOR KIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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