         The afternoon sun was shining brightly.The ant colony chose to stay in  the house.They wanted to relax and enjoy a meal. suddenly,the Earth felt like swaying.Ant colony panicked.         "earthquake!earthquake!The ant shouted.They flocked of the nest in the ground."But once out,they were shocked,apparently, there was a herd of elephants looking for food there.ya,it was not an earthquake but it's the elephant.          seeing that,the ant colony chief was angry."Hai elephant,go away from here!this is our area!"the chief of colony shouted.           "ha ha ha ha!!are you kidding me!a tiny ant!this forest is public property so anyone can come here,"the cheaf of elephant said.          "But we are the first stay at this place,"the chief of ant answered.          But a ...


Terlihat seekor kadal hitam sedang duduk menyendiri.Ia tidak mau berkumpul dengan dengan kadal-kadal lainnya.
Seen a black lizard was sitting alone. He did not want to hang out with other lizards.
Hari-harinya memang hanya ia habiskan untuk menyendiri dan melamun.Kali ini,kadal hitam itu juga terlihat sedih.Karena penasaran,seekor kupu terbang mendekatinya.
He only spent his days alone and daydreaming. This time, the black lizard also looked sad. Because of curiosity, a flying butterfly approached himHe greeted them with a friendly and smile. Butterfly returned the greeting. But the black lizard who felt ashamed, did not reply. He immediately went away just like that.
"Kadal temanku,apa yang membuatmu bersedih?"tanya kupu-kupu.
"Aku sedih karena aku memiliki kulit yang hitam,sangat berbeda dengan kadal yang lainnya.Aku juga tidak bisa bernyanyi dan suaraku sangat jelek.Pasti tidak ada yang mau berteman denganku,"jawab kadal hitam dengan sedih.
"My friend lizard, what makes you sad?" Asked the butterfly.
"I'm sad because I have black skin, very different from the other lizards. I also can't sing and my voice is very bad. Surely no one wants to be friends with me," answered the black lizard sadly.
"Jangan berfikir seperti itu.Itu tidak baik.Aku yakin,kamu pasti memiliki kelebihan,"hibur kupu-kupu.
"Tapi,lihatlah disana.Kadal hijau itu sangat pandai bernyanyi.Ia pun memiliki banyak teman.Aku ingin bisa bernyanyi seperti dia,"kata kadal hitam dengan sedih.
Don't think like that. That's not good. I'm sure you must have advantages," consoled the butterfly.
"But, look there. The green ball is very good at singing. He also has many friends. I want to be able to sing like him," said the black lizard sadly.
Kupu-kupu lau menoleh ke kadal hijau yang sedang bernyanyi.Memang benar,ia bernyanyi dengan sangat merdu.
The butterflies turn their heads to the green lizard who is singing. Indeed, he sings very well.
Selesai bernyanyi,teman-temannya langsung bertepuk tangan dengan riuh.Bahkan ,teman-temannya meminta kadal hijau untuk terus bernyanyi.
Finished singing, his friends immediately clapped with fanfare. In fact, his friends asked the green lizard to continue singing.
Si kadal hijau merasa dirinya sedang diperhatikan.Ia pun menghampiri si kadal hitam dan kupu-kupu.
The green lizard felt he was being watched. He approached the black lizard and the butterfly.
Ia menyapa mereka dengan ramah dan senyuman.Kupu-kupu pun membalas sapaan itu.Namun si kadal hitam yang merasa malu,tidak membalasnya.Ia langsung pergi menjauh begitu saja.
Kupu-kupu lalu menceritakan masalah kadal hitam ke kadal hijau.Kadal hijau merasa kasihan dengan kadal hijau.Ia ingin membantu si kadal hitam agar tidak bersedih lagi.
The butterfly then tells the problem of the black lizard to the green lizard. The green lizard feels sorry for the green lizard. He wants to help the black lizard so he doesn't get sad anymore.
Saat mereka berdua sedang berfikir.tiba-tiba ia mendengar alunan musik dari seruling yang sangat indah.Mereka bersama seluruh kadal lainnya langsung bergegas menuju arah suara itu.
When the two of them were thinking, suddenly he heard music from a very beautiful flute. They along with all the other lizards immediately rushed toward the sound.
Olala,betapa terkejutnya mereka ketika mendapati kadal hitam yang sdang memaikan seruling yang sangat indah itu.Mereka pun bertepuk tangan.
Olala, how surprised they were when they found a black lizard who was playing a very beautiful flute. They were clapping.
Tentu saja si kadal hitam merasa senang.Karena sekarang ia memiliki teman berkat permainan serulingnya.
Of course the black lizard felt happy. Because now he has a friend thanks to his flute playing.
Thank for reading STORY FOR DIDS 2 ENGLISH DAN ARTINYA in my blog.


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