Once upon a
time, lived a princess named Joana.
Dahulu kala ,hidup seorang putri bernama Joana.
She lived an all-sufficiency in the king.All joana princess's dress was very luxurious.
Ia hidup serba kecukupan di kerajaan.Semua baju putri joana pun sangat mewah.
However she
prefered to wear regular clothes.
Namun ia lebih suka mengenakan baju biasa.
one day, in joana
kingdom there was a meeting with some other kingdoms.
Suatu hari di kerajaan joana sedang ada pertemuan dengan beberapa kerajaan lain.
Other princesses of the other kingdom.Very very luxurious
Putri-putri dikerajaan lain Putri-putri dari kerajaan lain itu.tampil dengan sangat mewah.
Their clothes were very nice and equipped jewelry That very
much. unlike jutana who look just plain.
Baju mereka sangat bagus dan dilengkapi perhiasan yang amat banyak.berbeda dengan puutri joana yang berpenampilan biasa saja.
Joana princess
did not want to join the banquet event. She prefered to go out of the
Putri joana tak mau ikut acara perjamuan.Ia lebih memilih pergi keluar kerajaan.
Deliberately, one of the princesses of another kingdom saw
Joana princess come out of the kingdom.
Tanpa sengaja,salah satu putri dari kerajaan lain melihat putri Joana keluar dari kerajaan Ia merasa heran.
"isn't joana a princess, why does she behave like that?" she said.
"Bukaankah joana seorang putri,mengapa dia bersikap seperti itu,?ucapnya.
"She does not deserve to be a princess."the others princesss answered.
Dia tak layak menjadi seorang putri.Jawab putri yang lain.
In the
afternoon, Joana princess returned to the kingdom.
Sore harinya,putri joana kembali ke kerajaan.
Princess and princes
from another kingdom were still in his kingdom. They were playing.
Para putri dan pangeran dari kerajaan lain masih di kerajaannya.mereka sedang bermain.
Joana princess approached them She wanted to join. but the princess just stay away whispering.
Putri joana mendekati putri-putri tersebut hendak ikut bermain.tapi para putri justru menjauh sambil berbisik.
"I do not want to play with joana princess. It looks like ordinary people," said one of the princesses.
"aku tak mau bermain dengan putri joana.penampilannya seperti rakyat biasa,"ucap salah satu putri.
"I do not want too, better we stay away," said another princess
"akupun tak mau lebih baik kita menjauh saja,"sahut putri yang lain.
Heard that, Joana princess became very sad.She was playing alone under the tree. suddenly a prince approached her.
mendengar hal itu,putri joana menjadi sangat sedih.Ia pun bermain sendiri di bawah pohon.tiba-tiba seorang pangeran menghampirinya.
"Why are you sad?
"asked the prince." The princesses do not want to play with me because of my
usual appearance, "replied Joana princess, sad.
"kenapa kau bersedih?"tanya pangeran."para putri tak mau bermain denganku karena penampilanku yang biasa saja,"jawab putri Joana,sedih.
"I just want to
mingle with my people and know their condition.so I look like this.
If I look like princess, surely my people will hesitate with me,"
explained joana princess.
"Aku hanya ingin berbaur dengan rakyatku dan mengetahui kondisi mereka.makanya aku berpenampilan seperti ini.jika aku berpenampilan seperti putri,pasti rakyatku akan sungkan denganku,"jelas putri joana.
Hearing the
explanation joana princess.the prince be amazed. Like this is the real princess, do not give priority to self and prefers the interests of the

Mendengar penjelasan putri joana.pangeran menjadi kagum.seperti inilah putri yang sesungguhnya,tidak mengutamakan diri sendiri dan lebih mengutamakan kepentingan rakyatnya.
pesan moral
kawan ,jangan malu dengan penampilan kitamalulah jika tidak peduli dengan orang lain.
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